Spring 2025
DATA C8/STAT C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA
STAT 20: Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4) Instructor TBA
MATH 1A: Calculus (4) Sheu
MATH 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Hass
COMPSCI 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) DeNero
ENGIN 7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Makiharju
DATA C88C Computational Structures in Data Science (3) Ball
Lower Division Courses:
COGSCI 1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (4) Chan/Korisky
MATH 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Demmel
COMPSCI 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) O’Brien, Rao
Distribution Group Courses
Cognitive Neuroscience:
COGSCI C126/PSYCH C126: Perception (3) Whitney
COGSCI C127/PSYCH C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Shenhav
PSYCH 117: Human Neuropsychology (3) D’Esposito
COGSCI 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Ramirez
Cognitive Psychology:
COGSCI 115: Neuropsychology of Happiness (3) Chan
COGSCI C100/PSYCH C120: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Thompson
COGSCI C126/PSYCH C126: Perception (3) Whitney
LINGUIS C146/PSYCH C143: Language Acquisition (3) Instructor TBA
PSYCH 140: Developmental Psychology (3) Instructor TBA
PSYCH 147: Methods in Cognitive Development (3) Instructor TBA
COGSCI 181: The Cognitive Unconscious (3) Lanska
Computational Modeling:
COGSCI 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Ramirez
COGSCI 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Ramirez
COMPSCI 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Canny
- LINGUIS 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Garrett
PHILOS 3: The Nature of Mind (4) Lee
PHILOS 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Holliday
PHILOS 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Primus
PHILOS 122: Theory of Knowledge (4) Zhang
PHILOS 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Campbell
PHILOS 135: Theory of Meaning (4) Macfarlane
COGSCI 181: The Cognitive Unconscious (3) Lanska
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
ANTHRO 149: Psychological Anthropology (4) Pandolfo
EDUC 132: Language and Learning in Chicanx/Latinx Communities (4) Rios
EDUC 140AC: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
EDUC W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
PSYCH 163: Development of Prejudice and Bias (3) Eason
SOCIOL 150: Social Psychology (4) Kaiser
COGSCI 181: The Cognitive Unconscious (3) Lanska
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not a complete list of electives.
ANTHRO 160AC: Forms of Folklore (4) Briggs
UGBA 105: Leading People (3) Kass
UGBA 160: Consumer Insights (3) Instructor TBA
- COGSCI 112: Uncovering the Cognitive Science Behind the User Experience (3) Lanska
- COGSCI 190 Section 3: Models of Decision-Making from Brain to Behavior (3) Odean
COMPSCI 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Hartmann
COMPSCI 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Wright, Haghtalab
COMPSCI 176: Algorithms for Computational Biology (4) Song, Wagner
COMPSCI 186: Introduction to Data Systems (4) Cheung, Jain
COMPSCI 189: Introduction to Machine Learning (4) Shewchuk
DATA C100/STAT C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Norouzi, Grossman
COMPSCI C280/VIS SCI C280: Computer Vision (3) Malik, Kanazawa
ECON C110: Game Theory in the Social Sciences (4) Huang
EDUC 224A: Mathematical Thinking and Problem Solving (3) Goldwasser
HIST C184D: Human Contexts and Ethics of Data - DATA/History/STS (4) Edmundson, Roddy, Mazzotti
INFO 290: Special Topics in Information (3) Hutka
INFO C265: Interface Aesthetics (3) Ryokai
LINGUIS 106: Metaphor (4) Sweetser
LINGUIS 111: Phonology (4) Pffifner
LINGUIS 115: Morphology (4) Garrett
LINGUIS 130: Comparative and Historical Linguistics (4) Kavitskaya
LINGUIS 170: History, Structure, and Sociolinguistics of a Particular Language (3) Bleaman
MEDIAST 111C: Audio-Visual Media History (4) Berry
MEDIAST 112: Media Theories and Processes (4) Berry
NW MEDIA C203: Critical Making (4) Paulos
PHILOS 178: Kant (4) Warren
PHILOS 140B: Intermediate Logic (4) Mancosu
PHILOS 128: Philosophy of Science (4) Rubenstein
PHILOS 186B: Later Wittgeinstein (4) Ginsborg
POLSCI C135/ECON C110: Game Theory in the Social Sciences (4) Huang
PSYCH C111/NEU C121: Human Neuroanatomy (3) Weiner
PSYCH 128: Topical Seminars in Cognitive Psychology (3) Aly
PSYCH 135: Treating Mental Illness: Development, Evaluation, and Dissemination (3) Harvey
PSYCH C116/NEU C126: Hormones and Behavior (3) Kriegsfeld
PSYCH 101: Research and Data Analysis in Psychology (4) Catterson
PSYCH 130: Clinical Psychology (3) Johnson
PSYCH 150: Psychology of Personality (3) Ayduk
RHETOR 103B: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory II (4) Cheah
SOCIOL 166: Society and Technology (4) Huang
SPANISH 100: Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (4) Instructor TBA
STAT 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Trujillo
STAT 134: Concepts of Probability (4) Lucas
STAT C140/DATA C140: Probability for Data Science (4) Instructor TBA
STAT 155: Game Theory (3) Jamshidpey
STAT C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Norouzi, Grossman
Fall 2024
DATA C8/STAT C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA
STAT 20: Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4) Instructor TBA
MATH 1A: Calculus (4) Paulin
MATH 10A: Methods of Mathematics: Calculus, Statistics, and Combinatorics (4) Sheu
MATH 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Sharma
COMPSCI 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) DeNero
DATA C88C: Computational Structures in Data Science (3) Instructor TBA
Lower Division Courses:
MATH 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Srivastava
COMPSCI 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Hug, Rao
PSYCH 110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (3) Dolen
Distribution Group Courses
Cognitive Neuroscience:
PSYCH C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Ivry
PSYCH 133: Psychology of Sleep (3) Walker
COGSCI 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Ramirez
Cognitive Psychology:
COGSCI 115: Neuropsychology of Happiness (3) Chan
- COGSCI 181: The Cognitive Unconscious (3) Lanska
PSYCH 125: The Developing Brain (3) Bunge
PSYCH 140: Developmental Psychology (3) Engelmann
Computational Modeling:
COGSCI 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Ramirez
COGSCI 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Ramirez
COMPSCI 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Abbeel, Mordatch
LINGUIS 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Michael
LINGUIS C142: Language and Thought (3) Regier
PHILOS 3: The Nature of Mind (4) Campbell
PHILOS 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Sanchez
PHILOS 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Instructor TBA
PHILOS 136: Philosophy of Perception (4) Martin
COGSCI 180: Mind, Brain, and Identity (3) Chan
- COGSCI 181: The Cognitive Unconscious (3) Lanska
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
ECON 119: Psychology and Economics (4) Instructor TBA
EDUC 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Wilkerson
EDUC 140AC: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
LINGUIS 150A: Concepts, Theories, and Methodologies of Sociolinguistics (4) Instructor TBA **
PSYCH 160: Social Psychology (3) Chen
SOCIOL 150: Social Psychology (4) Kaiser
- COGSCI 181: The Cognitive Unconscious (3) Lanska
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not a complete list of electives.
UGBA 105: Leading People (3) Kass
UGBA 160: Consumer Insights (3) Fanning
UGBA 177: Special Topics in Business and Public Policy (3) Groth
COGSCI C140: Quantitative Methods in Linguistics (4) Gahl
COMPSCI 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Raghavendra, Garg
COMPSCI 186: Introduction to Database Systems (4) Cheung
COMPSCI 188: Introduction to Machine Learning (4) Listgarten
COMPSCI 288: Natural Language Processing (4) Suhr
DATA C100: Principles and Techniques of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA
HIST C182C: Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society (4) Kelkar
HIST C184D: Human Contexts and Ethics of Data - DATA/History/STS (4) Instructor TBA
INFO 188: Behind the Data: Humans and Values (3) Mulligan
INFO 290: Innovation of Information (1-4) Davenport
LINGUIS 110: Phonetics (4) Instructor TBA
LINGUIS 120: Syntax (4) Jenks
LINGUIS 121: Formal Semantics (4) Deal
LINGUIS 170: History, Structure, and Sociolinguistics of a Particular Language (3) Mikkelsen
LINGUIS C160: Quantitative Methods in Linguistics (4) Gahl
MEDIAST 111B: Text and Data Media History (4) Berry
MEDIAST 112: Media Theories and Processes (4) Davis
MUSIC 108: Music Perception and Cognition (4) Wagner
NWMEDIA C262C: Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces (4) Ryokai
PHILOS 125: Metaphysics (4) Sanchez
PHILOS 170: Descartes (4) Carriero
POLSCI 161: Public Opinion, Voting and Participation (4) Nail
PSYCH 101: Research and Data Analysis in Psychology (4) Instructor TBA
PSYCH 130: Clinical Psychology (3) Instructor TBA
PSYCH 131: Developmental Psychology (3) Zhou
PSYCH 134: Health Psychology (3) Fisher
PSYCH C162: Human Happiness (3) Keltner
RHETOR 103A: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory (4) Telo
SOCIOL 166: Society and Technology (4) Klett
SPANISH 100: Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (4) Instructor TBA
STAT 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Instructor TBA
STAT 134: Concepts of Probability (4) Instructor TBA
STAT 155: Game Theory (3) Instructor TBA
Summer 2024
DATA C8/STAT C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
STAT 2: Introduction to Statistics (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
STAT 20: Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
MATH 1A: Calculus (4) Bamler (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
MATH N10A: Methods of Mathematics: Calculus, Statistics, and Combinatorics (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
MATH N16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
Lower Division Courses:
COGSCI 1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 20- June 28)
MATH N55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
MCELLBI W61: Brain, Mind and Behavior (3) Presti (Session A: May 20- June 28)
MCELLBI C64/ PSYCH C64: Exploring the Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience (3) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
PSYCH N110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (4) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 1 - August 9)
Distribution Group Courses
Cognitive Neuroscience:
COGSCI 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Ramirez (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
Cognitive Psychology:
COGSCI 115: Neuropsychology of Happiness (3) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 20- June 28)
COGSCI C100/PSYCH C120: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Chan (Session A: May 20- June 28)
PSYCH 140: Developmental Psychology (4) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 1 - August 9)
Computational Modeling:
COGSCI 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Ramirez (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
- COGSCI 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Ramirez (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
LINGUIS 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Jenks (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
COGSCI C142: Language and Thought (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 1 - August 9)
PHILOS 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Dolan (Session A: May 20- June 28)
PHILOS 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 20- June 28)
PHILOS 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 1 - August 9)
PHILOS 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Crockett (Session A: May 20- June 28)
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
ANTHRO 166: Language, Culture and Society (4) Karl (Session D: July 1 - August 9)
EDUC 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
EDUC W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull (Session D: July 1 - August 9)
PSYCH 160: Social Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 1 - August 9)
SOCIOL 150: Social Psychology (4) Kaiser (Session A: May 20- June 28)
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not a complete list of electives.
UGBA 105: Leading People (3) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 20- June 28)
UGBA 136F: Behavioral Finance (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 1 - August 9)
DATA C100/STAT C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
ECON N110: Game Theory in the Social Sciences (4) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 20- June 28)
ENGLISH 172: Literature and Psychology (4) Dunsker (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
ESPM 161: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics (4) Worthy (Session D: July 1 - August 9)
MATH 110: Abstract Linear Algebra (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
PHILOS 128: Philosophy of Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 1 - August 9)
PHILOS 188: Phenomenology (4) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 1 - August 9)
POLSCI 164A: Political Psychology and Involvement (4) Broockman (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
POLSCI W135: Game Theory In Social Sciences (4) Gailmard (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
PSYCH 101: Research and Data Analysis in Psychology (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
PSYCH 136: Human Sexuality (3) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 20- June 28)
PSYCH 137: Mind-Body and Health (3) Instructor TBA (Session E: July 22 - August 9)
PSYCH 144: Emerging Adulthood (3) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 20- June 28)
PSYCH N150: Psychology of Personality (3) John (Session A: May 20- June 28)
PSYCH 169: Love & Close Relationships (3) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 20- June 28)
SOCIOL 167: Virtual Communities/Social Media (4) Lin (Session D: July 1 - August 9)
STAT 134: Concepts of Probability (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
STAT 155: Game Theory (3) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 17 - August 9)
Spring 2024
Prerequisites / Lower Division Courses:
DATA C8/STAT C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA
STAT 20: Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4) Instructor TBA
MATH 1A: Calculus (4) Aganagic
MATH 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Hass
- COMPSCI 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) DeNero
ENGIN 7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Alam
DATA C88C: Computational Structures in Data Science (3) Ball
- MCB C61/PSYCH C61: Mind, Brain, and Behavior (3) Presti/ Ball
- COGSCI 1B: Introduction to Cognitive Science (3) Chan
- MATH 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Ribet
Distribution Group Courses
Cognitive Neuroscience:
COGSCI 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Ramirez
COGSCI C126/PSYCH C126: Perception (3) Whitney
PSYCH C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Gallant
Cognitive Psychology:
COGSCI 115: Neuropsychology of Happiness (3) Chan
COGSCI C100/PSYCH C120: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Thompson
COGSCI C126/PSYCH C126: Perception (3) Whitney
LINGUIS C146/PSYCH C143: Language Acquisition (3) Srinivasan
PSYCH 140: Developmental Psychology (3) Xu
PSYCH 147: Methods in Cognitive Development (3) Kidd
Computational Modeling:
COGSCI 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Ramirez
COGSCI 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Ramirez
LINGUIS 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Michael
AGRS 36: Greek Philosophy (4) Ferrari
- COGSCI 180: Mind, Brain, and Identity (3) Chan
PHILOS 122: Theory of Knowledge (4) Yalcin
PHILOS 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Yalcin
PHILOS 135: Theory of Meaning (4) Campbell
PHILOS 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Warren
PHILOS 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Primus
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
AFRICAM 115: Language and Social Issues in Africa (3) Mchombo
ECON 119: Psychology and Economics (4) Meng
EDUC 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Goldwasser
EDUC 132: Language and Learning in Chicanx/Latinx Communities (4) Rios
EDUC 140AC: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
EDUC W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
PSYCH 160: Social Psychology (3) Mauss
SOCIOL 150: Social Psychology (4) Kaiser
- INFO 103: History of Information (4) TBD
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not a complete list of electives.
ANTHRO 111: Evolution of Human Behavior (4) Steinhardt
ANTHRO 160AC: Forms of Folklore (4) Briggs
UGBA 105: Leading People (3) Kass
UGBA 160: Consumer Insights (3) Fanning
COGSCI 150: Sensemaking and Organizing (3) Glushko
DATA C100/STAT C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Norouzi, Gonzalez
HISTORY C184D: Human Contexts and Ethics of Data (4) Carson, Edmundson
INDENG 170: Industrial Design and Human Factors (3) Harris
INTEGBI C143B/PSYCH C116: Hormones and Behavior (3) Kriegsfeld
INTEGBI C147/PSYCH C115C: Neuroethology: Complex Animal Behaviors and Brains (4) Theunissen
ISF 100J: The Social Life of Computing (4) Kelkar
LINGUIS 106: Metaphor (4) Sweetser
LINGUIS 111: Phonology (4) Kavitskaya
LINGUIS 113: Experimental Phonetics (3) Pffifner
LINGUIS 120: Syntax (4) Jenks
MATH 110: Abstract Linear Algebra (4) Frenkel
MEDIAST 101: Visual Culture (4) Jackson
MEDIAST 111C: Audio-Visual Media History (4) Berry
MEDIAST 112: Media Theories and Processes (4) Berry
MCELLBI 161: Circuit, Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience (4) Dan, Tsao, Feldman
MCELLBI 163L: Mammalian Neuroanatomy Lab (4) Feller, Lammel, Feldman, Feinberg
MCELLBI 165: Neurobiology of Disease (3) Ball, Bateup, Lammel
NWMEDIA C203: Critical Making (4) Paulos
PHILOS 110: Aesthetics (4) Noe
PHILOS 125: Metaphysics (4) Lee
PHILOS 153: Chinese Philosophy (4) Shun
PHILOS 170: Descartes (4) Primus
PSYCH 101: Research and Data Analysis in Psychology (4) Catterson
PSYCH 111: Human Neuroanatomy (3) Weiner
PSYCH 130: Clinical Psychology (3) Allen
PSYCH 131: Developmental Psychology (3) Hinshaw
PSYCH 156: Human Emotion (3) Keltner
PSYCH 167AC: Stigma and Prejudice (3) Okonofua
PSYCH C116/ INTEGBI C143B: Hormones and Behavior (3) Kriegsfeld
PSYCH C115C/ INTEGBI C147: Neuroethology: Complex Animal Behaviors and Brains (4) Theunissen
RHETOR 103B: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory II (4) Esmeir
SOCIOL 166: Society and Technology (4) Huang
SPANISH 100: Introduction to Spanish Linguistics (4) Carr
SPANISH 166: Foreign Language Acquisition and Pedagogy for Spanish Language Instruction (4) Davidson
STAT 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Trujillo
STAT 134: Concepts of Probability (4) Gorin
STAT C140/ DATA C140: Probability and Data Science (4) Adhikari
STAT 155: Game Theory (3) Soberon
STAT C100/ DATA C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Norouzi, Gonzalez
Fall 2023
STAT C8 / DATA C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Sahai
STAT 20: Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4) Instructor TBA
STAT 2: Introduction to Statistics (4) Jahani
MATH 1A: Calculus (4) Bamler
MATH 10A: Methods of Mathematics: Calculus, Statistics, and Combinatorics (4) Sheu
MATH 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Sharma
COMPSCI 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Denero, Norouzi
ENGIN 7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Hallal
COMPSCI C88C / DATA C88C: Computational Structures in Data Science (3) Instructor TBA
COGSCI 1B: Introduction to Cognitive Science (3) Instructor TBA
MATH 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Corteel
CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Rao
PSYCH 110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (3) Foster
Cognitive Neuroscience:
PSYCH 114: Biology of Learning (3) Wilbrecht
COGSCI 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Instructor TBA
Cognitive Psychology:
- COGSCI C100: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Chan
- COGSCI 115: Neuropsychology of Happiness (3) Instructor TBA
PSYCH C120: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Chan
PSYCH 140: Developmental Psychology (3) Engelmann
Computational Modeling:
Cog Sci 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Instructor TBA
CS 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Instructor TBA
Cog Sci 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Instructor TBA
- Psych C123: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Collins
LINGUIS 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Pfiffner
COGSCI C142/LINGUIS C142: Language and Thought (3) Regier
PHILOS 3: The Nature of Mind (4) Campbell
PHILOS 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Holliday
PHILOS 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Macfarlane
PHILOS 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Instructor TBA
PHILOS 133: Philosophy of Language (4) Yalcin
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
ECON 119: Psychology and Economics (4) Taubinsky
EDUC 140AC/EDUC W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
SOCIOL 150: Social Psychology (4) Kaiser
- *Newly added - EDUC 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science
- *Newly added - PSYCH 163: Development of Prejudice and Bias
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not the complete list of electives.
COMPSCI 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Wright, Haghtalab
COMPSCI 186: Introduction to Database Systems (4) Cheung
COMPSCI 189: Introduction to Machine Learning (4) Listgarten, Malik
COMPSCI 288: Natural Language Processing (4) Klein
DATA C100/COMPSCI C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Norouzi, Perez
- ECON 110: Game Theory in Social Sciences (4) Kariv
EDUC 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Instructor TBA
- HIST C182C: Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society (4) Kelkar
- HIST C184D: Human Contexts and Ethics of Data (4) Edmundson, Carson
- INFO 213: User Interface Design and Development (4) Instructor TBA
INFO 262/NWMEDIA 262: Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces (4) Ryokai
- INTEGBI C143A: Biological Clocks: Physiology and Behavior (3) Kriegsfeld
LS C160V/PSYCH C162: Human Happiness (3) Keltner
LINGUIS 110: Phonetics (4) Pfiffner
LINGUIS 121: Formal Semantics (4) Instructor TBA
LINGUIS 130: Comparative and Historical Linguistics (4) Garrett
LINGUIS 170: History, Structure, and Sociolinguistics of a Particular Language (3) Garrett
- MATH 110: Linear Algebra (4) Holtz
MEDIAST 104B: The History of Journalism (3) Davis
- MEDIAST 111B: Text and Data Media History (4) Berry
- MEDIAST 112: Media Theories and Processes (4) Davis
MCELLBI 166: Biophysical Neurobiology (3) Elul, Miller
MCELLBI 160: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (4) Isacoff, Kramer, Gomez
PHILOS 128: Philosophy of Science (4) Rubenstein
PHILOS 153: Chinese Philosophy (4) Shun
- PHILOS 154: Arabic Philosophy (4) Clarke
PHILOS 176: Hume (4) Martin
PHILOS 178: Kant (4) Warren
PHILOS 140A: Intermediate Logic (4) Holliday
- PSYCH 101: Research and Data Analysis in Psychology (4) Catterson
POLSCI 161: Public Opinion, Voting, and Participation (4) Nail
- POLSCI C135: Game Theory in Social Sciences (4) Kariv
- PSYCH C113: Biological Clocks: Physiology and Behavior (3) Kriegsfeld
PSYCH 130: Clinical Psychology (3) Instructor TBA
PSYCH 131: Developmental Psychology (3) Zhou
PSYCH 150: Psychology of Personality (3) John
RHET 103: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory (4) Naddaff
SOCIOL 166: Society and Technology (4) Klett
- SPANISH 100: Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (4) Instructor TBA
STAT 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Trujillo
- STAT 134: Concepts of Probability (4) Lucas
- UGBA 105: Leading People (3) Pearce
- UGBA 160: Consumer Insights (3) Fanning
- UGBA 177: Special Topics in Business and Public Policy (3) Groth
UGIS 120: Introduction to Applied Language Studies (3) Wilhite
VISSCI 265: Neural Computation (3) Instructor TBA
Summer 2023
DATA 8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Grover, Acosta (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
STAT 20: Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
MATH 1A: Calculus (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
MATH 10A: Methods of Mathematics: Calculus, Statistics, and Combinatorics (4) Sheu (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
MATH 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Sharma (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
COMPSCI 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
COGSCI N1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 3 - August 11)
MATH 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 20 - August 11 )
COMPSCI 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
MCELLBI C64/PSYCH C64: Exploring the Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience (3) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
MCELLBI W61: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3) Presti (Session A: May 22 - June 30)
PSYCH 110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 3 - August 11)
Cognitive Neuroscience:
No applicable courses are offered for this term
Cognitive Psychology:
COGSCI C100: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 22 - June 30)
- COGSCI 115: Neuropsychology of Happiness (3) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 22 - June 30)
- COGSCI 146: Music, Language, and Cognition (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 3 - August 11)
PSYCH 140: Developmental Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
Computational Modeling:
COGSCI 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
COMPSCI 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
LINGUIS 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Jenks (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
PHILOS 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Klempner (Session A: May 22 - June 30)
PHILOS 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Duvalier (Session D: July 3 - August 11)
PHILOS W12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Holliday (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
PHILOS 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 22 - June 30)
PHILOS 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Gooding (Session D: July 3 - August 11)
PHILOS 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Crockett (Session A: May 22 - June 30)
PHILOS 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Beattie (Session D: July 3 - August 11)
PHILOS 135: Theory of Meaning (4) Noe (Session A: May 22 - June 30)
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
ANTHRO 166: Language, Culture, and Society (4) Karl (Session D: July 3 - August 11)
ECON 119: Psychology and Economics (4) Meng (Session D: July 3 - August 11)
EDUC W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull (Session D: July 3 - August 11)
PSYCH 160: Social Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 3 - August 11)
SOCIOL 150: Social Psychology (4) Kaiser (Session A: May 22 - June 30)
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not a complete list of electives.
- COGSCI 190: Embodied Approaches to Mind and Language (3) Croom, Adam (Session A)
COMPSCI 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
DATA C100/STAT C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Crouch, Liu (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
EDUC 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
PHILOS 185: Heidegger (4) Grosser (Session A: May 22 - June 30)
POLSCI W164A: Political Psychology and Involvement (4) Broockman (Session C: June 20 - August 11)
PSYCH 134: Healthy Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 3 - August 11)
PSYCH 150: Psychology of Personality (4) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 22 - June 30)
SOCIOL 167: Virtual Communities/Social Media (4) Lin (Session D: July 3 - August 11)
Spring 2023
Prerequisites / Lower Division Courses
STAT C8 / DATA C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Sahai, Gonzalez
MATH 1A: Calculus (4) Aganagic
MATH 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Gu
Data C88C: Computational Structures in Data Science (4) Ball
COMPSCI 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) DeNero, Farid
ENGIN 7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Alam
COGSCI 1/1B: Introduction to Cognitive Science (4) Croom
MATH 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Demmel
COMPSCI 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Rao, Ayazifar
PSYCH C61/MCELLBI C61: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3) Adesnik
PSYCH 110: Biological Psychology (3) Foster
Cognitive Neuroscience:
COGSCI 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Ramirez
- COGSCI C126: Perception (3) Whitney
Cognitive Psychology:
COGSCI 115: The Neuropsychology of Happiness (3) Chan
PSYCH C126/COGSCI C126: Perception (3) Whitney
PSYCH 140: Developmental Psychology (3) Xu
PSYCH 147: Methods in Cognitive Development (3) Kidd
LINGUIS C146/PSYCH C143: Language Acquisition (3) Srinivasan
Computational Modeling:
COGSCI 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Ramirez
COGSCI 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4)
COMPSCI 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Russell, Kao
COGSCI 144: Cognitive Science of Language (3) Croom
LINGUIS 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Garrett
PHILOS 3: The Nature of Mind (4) Campbell
PHILOS 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Mancosu
PHILOS 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Primus
PHILOS 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Lee
COGSCI 180: Mind, Brain, and Identity (3) Chan
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
EDUC W140/140AC: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
LINGUIS 150A: Concepts, Theories and Methodologies of Sociolinguistics (4) Bleaman
PSYCH 160: Social Psychology (3) Mauss
SOCIOL 150: Social Psychology (4) Kaiser
- INFO 103: History of Information (4) Duguid
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not a complete list of electives.
ANTHRO 160AC: Forms of Folklore (4)
COG SCI 150: Sensemaking and Organizing (3)
COG SCI 190.02 The Science of Consciousness (admission via application only, see classes.berkeley.edu for info) (3) Presti
COMPSCI 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Hartmann
COMPSCI 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Raghavendra, Wright
COMPSCI 186: Introduction to Database Systems (4) Cheung
COMPSCI C280 / VISSCI C280: Computer Vision (3) Malik, Efros
COMPSCI 288: Natural Language Processing (4) Klein
EDUC 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Gerard
INDENG 170: Industrial Design and Human Factors (3)
LINGUIS 106: Metaphor (4)
LINGUIS 120: Syntax (4) Mikkelsen
MCELLBI 161: Circuit, Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience (4) Dan, Tsao
MCELLBI 163L: Mammalian Neuroanatomy Lab (4) Lammel, Feldman, Feller
MCELLBI 165: Neurobiology of Disease (3) Bateup, Ball, Lammel
NWMEDIA 190: Special Topics in New Media “New Media Experimental Art Studio” (4) Miller, Kazmi
POLSCI 161: Public Opinion, Voting and Participation (4) Nail
PSYCH 150: Psychology of Personality (3) Ayduk
PSYCH 167AC: Stigma and Prejudice (3) Okonofua
RHETOR 103B: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory II (4) Bates
SOCIOL 166: Society and Technology (4)
STAT C100 / DATA C100: Principles and Techniques of Data Science (4) Yan
Fall 2022
Prerequisites / Lower Division Courses
Cog Sci 1B: Introduction to Cognitive Science (3) Instructor TBA
Comp Sci 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Instructor TBA
Comp Sci 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Rao, Ayazifar
Engin 7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Shaofan Li
Data C88C (formerly CS 88): Computational Structures in Data Science (3) Michael Ball
Math 1A: Calculus (4) Paul A Vojta
Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Arun Sharma
Math 10A: Methods of Mathematics: Calculus, Statistics, and Combinatorics (4) Kelli Talaska
Math 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Nikhil Srivastava
Psych 110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (3) Wallis
Stat/CS/Data C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA
Cognitive Neuroscience:
- Cog Sci C127/Psych C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Richard Ivry
- CogSci 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Ramirez-Latorre
Cognitive Psychology:
Psych C120: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) William D Thompson
Psych 140: Developmental Psychology (3) Jan Engelmann
CogSci 190.001: The Neuropsychology of Happiness (3) Davina P Chan
- CogSci 190.002: Music, Language, and Cognition (3) Croom
Computational Modeling:
Cog Sci 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Ramirez-Latorre
- CogSci 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Ramirez-Latorre
Comp Sci 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Kao
- Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Jenks
Cog Sci 180: Mind, Brain, and Identity (3) Davina P Chan
Philos 3: The Nature of Mind (3) Lee
Philos 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Yalcin
Philos 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Clarke
Philos 135: Theory of Meaning (4) Campbell
Philos 136: Philosophy of Perception (4) Noe
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
Econ 119: Psychology and Economics (4) Daniel Acland
- EDUC W/140: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
Sociol 150: Social Psychology (4) Kaiser
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not a complete list of electives.
Cog Sci C140/Linguis C160: Quantitative Methods in Linguistics (4) Susanne Gahl
Comp Sci 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Nelson, Demmel
Comp Sci 186: Introduction to Database Systems (4) Cheung
Comp Sci 189: Introduction to Machine Learning (4) Listgarten, Malik
Data/Comp Sci C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Fithian, Perez
Education 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Elizabeth Gerard
Education W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull, Everett
Information 213: User Interface Design and Development (4) Salehi
Information C262: Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces (4) Myers
IntegBi 139: The Neurobiology of Stress (4) Daniela Kaufer
Linguis 110: Phonetics (4) Instructor TBA
Linguis 115: Morphology (4) Andrew J Garrett
Linguis 121: Formal Semantics (4)
Linguis 130: Comparative and Historical Linguistics (4) Darya A Kavitskaya
MCellBi 160: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (4) Isacoff, Bateup, Gomez
MCelBi 160L: Neurobiology Laboratory (4) Ball, Fisher, Brohawn
MCellBi 166: Biophysical Neurobiology (3) Tamira M Elul, Alan G. Miller
Music 108/108M: Music Perception and Cognition (4) Wagner
NwMedia C262: Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces (4) Kimiko Ryokai
Philos 128: Philosophy of Science (4) Dasgupta
Philos 140B: Intermediate Logic (4) Mancosu
Philos 176: Hume (4) Bailey
Philos 178: Kant (4) Daniel M Warren
Philos 185: Heidegger (4) Kaiser
PoliSci 161: Public Opinion, Voting and Participation (4) Nail
Psych 125: The Developing Brain (3) Silvia Bunge
Psych 130: Clinical Psychology (3) Ann Kring
Psych 131: Developmental Psychopathology (3) Qing Zhou
Psych 134: Health Psychology (3) Aaron Fisher
Psych 150: Psychology of Personality (3) Oliver P John
Rhetoric 103A: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory (4) Ramona Naddaff
Sociology 166: Society and Technology (4) Elrick
Stat 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Instructor TBA
UGIS 120: Introduction to Applied Language Studies (3) Zehlia Babaci Wilhite
VisSci 265: Neural Computation (3) Olshausen
Summer 2022
Prerequisites / Lower Division Courses
MATH N1A: Calculus (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
MATH N16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
Math 10A: Methods of Mathematics: Calculus, Statistics, and Combinatorics (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
COMPSCI 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
COGSCI N1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (3) Croom (Session A: May 23 - July 1 & Session D July 5 - August 12) Remote
ENGIN W7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Instructor TBA (Session B: June 6 - August 12)
MATH N55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
COMPSCI 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
PSYCH C64/MCELLBI C64: Exploring the Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience (3) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
MCELLBI W61: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3) Presti (Session A: May 23 - July 1)
PSYCH N110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 5 - August 12)
- STAT C8/COMPSCI C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Kevin Miao, Ellen Karolina Persson (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
Cognitive Neuroscience:
- CogSci 132: Rhythms of the Brain: from Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Ramirez-Latorre
Cognitive Psychology:
PSYCH N140: Developmental Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D July 5 - August 12)
- COGSCI 190: Slurs & Stereotypes (3) Croom (Session D July 5 - August 12) Remote
Computational Modeling:
COMPSCI 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
COGSCI 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Ramirez (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
- COGSCI 132: Rhythms of the Brain: From Neuronal Communication to Function (4) Ramirez (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
- LINGUIS 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Jenks (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
PHILOS 3: The Nature of Mind (4) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 23 - July 1) and Yael Benjamin (Session D July 5 - August 12)
PHILOS 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Schwartz (Session A: May 23 - July 1) and McCauley (Session D July 5 - August 12)
PHILOS 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Perry (Session A: May 23 - July 1) and Kassman-Tod (Session D July 5 - August 12)
PHILOS 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Crockett (Session A: May 23 - July 1)
- PHILOS 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 5 - August 12)
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
ANTHRO 166: Language, Culture, and Society (4) Karl (Session D: July 5 - August 12)
EDUC W140: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull (Session D: July 5 - August 12)
PSYCH N160: Social Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 5- August 12)
PSYCH 166AC: Cultural Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 5 - August 12)
- SOCIOL 150: Social Psychology (4) Kaiser (Session A: May 23 - July 1)
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not a complete list of electives.
COMPSCI 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
COMPSCI C100 / STAT C100 / DATA C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
EDUC 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Chase (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
LINGUIS 125: Gesture, Cognition, and Culture (3) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 12)
PSYCH N150: Psychology of Personality (3) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 23- July 1)
PSYCH N162: Human Happiness (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 5- August 12)
- SOCIOL 167: Virtual Communities/Social Media (4) Lin (Session A: May 23- July 1)
Spring 2022
Prerequisites / Lower Division Courses
CS 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Fox
- Engin 7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Alam
Data C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) DeNero, Sahai
Math 1A: Calculus (4) Votja
Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Aganagic
- Cog Sci 1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (4) Paul Li
- MCB C61/Psych C61: Brain, Mind, Behavior (3) Presti
Math 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Ribet
- CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Rao, Sen
Cognitive Neuroscience:
- Anthro 107: Evolution of the Human Brain (4) Deacon
Psych 114: Biology of Learning (3) Wilbrecht
- Psych 117: HUman Neuropsychology (3) D'Esposito
Cognitive Psychology:
Cog Sci C100: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Davina P Chan
Cog Sci C126/Psych C126: Perception (3) Whitney
- CogSci 190.001: The Neuropsychology of Happiness (3) Chan
- Ling C146/Psych C143: Language Acquisition (3) Srinivasan
- Psych 140: Development Psychology (3) Xu
- Psych 147: Methods in Cognitive Development (3) Kidd
Computational Modeling:
Cog Sci 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Ramirez
Cog Sci C131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Piantadosi
CompSci 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Anca Dragan
- CogSci 190.002: Rhythms of the Brain: From Neuronal Communication to Function (3) Ramirez
- Cogsci C142/Ling C142: Language and Thought (3) Regier
- Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Johnson
- AGRS 36: Greek Philosophy (4) Ferrari
Philos 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Holliday
Philos 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) TBD
Philos 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Lee
- Philos 133: Philosophy of Language (4) Yalcin
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
Educ 140 AC: The Art of Making Meaning (4) Hull
- Info 103: History of Information (4) Duguid
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not a complete list of electives.
Anthro 160AC: Forms of Folklore (4) Wilkie
Cog Sci C140: Quantitative Methods in Linguistics (4) TBD
- Comp Sci 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Canny
Comp Sci 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Raghavendra
Comp Sci 186: Introduction to Database Systems (4) Jain
Comp Sci 189-01: Introduction to Machine Learning (4) Shewchuk
Comp Sci 189-02: Introduction to Machine Learning (4) Zhang
- Comp Sci C280/Vis Sci C280: Computer Vision (3) Malik, Yu
- Comp Sci 288: Natural Language Processing (4) Klein
Data/Stat C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Hug, Yan
Education 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Instructor TBA
Ind Eng 170: Industrial Design and Human Factors (3) TBD
Info 232: Applied Behavioral Economics for Information Systems (3) Daniel
Ling 115: Morphology (4) Garrett
Ling 120: Syntax (4) Mikkelsen
Ling 123: Pragmatics (3) Sweetser
- Ling 170: History, Structure, and Sociolinguistics of a Particular Language (3) Michael
- LS C160V/Psych C162: Human Happiness (3) Keltner
MCellBi 161: Circuit, Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience (4) Scott, Dan, Tsao
MCelBi 165: Neurobiology of Disease (3) Bateup, Ball, Lammel
Media St 101: Visual Culture (4) Jackson
- Philos 140A: Intermediate Logic (4) Warren
Psych 131: Developmental Psychopathology (3) Hinshaw
Psych 135: Treating Mental Illness: Development, Evaluation, and Dissemination (3) Harvey
Psych 150: Psychology of Personality (3) Ayduk
Rhetoric 103b: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory II (4) Wintroub
- Sociol 166: Society and Technology (4) Huang
Stat 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Trujillo
Fall 2021
Prerequisites / Lower Division Courses
Cog Sci 1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (4) Linda Isaac
Math 1A: Calculus (4) Haiman
Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Scanlon
- Math 10A: Methods of Mathematics: Calculus, Statistics, and Combinatorics (4) Talaska
CS 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) DeNero, Fox
Stat/CS/Data C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Wagner, Adhikari
Math 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Srivastav
Cognitive Neuroscience:
Cog Sci C127/Psych C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Instructor TBA
Psych 133: Psychology of Sleep (3) Walker
Cognitive Psychology:
Cog Sci C100/Psych C120: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Davina P Chan
Psych 140: Developmental Psychology (3) Jan Engelmann
- CogSci 190.001: The Neuropsychology of Happiness (3) Chan
Computational Modeling:
Cog Sci 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Ramirez
CompSci 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Anca Dragan
- CogSci 190.002: Rhythms of the Brain: From Neuronal Communication to Function (3) Ramirez
- Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Jenks
- Philos 3: The Nature of Mind (3) Campbell
Philos 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Warren
Philos 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Clarke
Philos 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Noe
Philos 135: Theory of Meaning (4) Macfarlane
Philos 136: Philosophy of Perception (4) Martin
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
Econ 119: Psychology and Economics (4) Taubinsky
Sociol 150: Social Psychology (4) Kaiser
Psych 160: Social Psychology (3) Chen
Linguis 150: Sociolinguistics (4) Isaac L Bleaman
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not a complete list of electives.
Anthro 160AC: Forms of Folklore (4) Briggs
Anthro 169C: Research Theory and Methods in Linguistic Anthropology (4) Hanks
Anthro 112: Special Topics in Biological Anthropology (4) Agarwal
Cog Sci 190.003: Special Topics in Cognitive Science: The Science of Consciousness (admission via application only, see classes.berkeley.edu for info) (3) Presti
Cog Sci C140: Quantitative Methods in Linguistics (4) Susanne Gahl
Comp Sci 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Jelani Nelson, James W Demmel
Comp Sci W186: Introduction to Database Systems (4) Lakshya Jain, Joshua A. Hug
Comp Sci 189: Introduction to Machine Learning (4) Jennifer Listgarten, Jitendra Malik
Data/Compsci C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA
Education 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Instructor TBA
Education 224A: Mathematical Thinking and Problem Solving (3) Alan H Schoenfeld
Info 213: User Interface Design and Development (4) Niloufar Salehi
Linguis 106: Metaphor (4) Sweetser
Linguis 110: Phonetics (4) Susan S Lin
Linguis 130: Comparative and Historical Linguistics (4) Darya A Kavitskaya
MCellBi 160: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (4) Isacoff, Bateup, Gomez
MCelBi 160L: Neurobiology Laboratory (4) Ball, Feller, Brohawn
MCellBi 166: Biophysical Neurobiology (3) Tamira M Elul, Alan G. Miller
Music 108/108M: Music Perception and Cognition (3) Wagner
NwMedia C262: Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces (4) Kimiko Ryokai
Philos 178: Kant (4) Daniel M Warren
Psych 130: Clinical Psychology (3) Bishop
Psych 134: Health Psychology (3) Aaron Fisher
Psych 144: Emerging Adulthood (3) Bayne
Psych 150: Psychology of Personality (3) Oliver P John
Psych 167AC: Stigma and Prejudice (3)
Rhetoric 103A: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory (4) Porter
Rhetoric 170: Rhetoric of Social Science (4) Wintroub
Stat 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Gaston Sanchez Trujillo
UGIS 120: Introduction to Applied Language Studies (3) Catharine Vollmer
VisSci 265: Neural Composition (3) Instructor TBA
Summer 2021
Prerequisites / Lower Division Courses
MATH N1A: Calculus (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 13)
MATH N16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 13)
- Math 10A: Methods of Mathematics: Calculus, Statistics, and Combinatorics (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 13)
COMPSCI 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 13)
COGSCI N1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (3) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 24 - July 2)
ENGIN W7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Papadopoulos (Session B: June 7 - August 13)
MATH N55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 13)
COMPSCI 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Sarwari, Rizvi, Lutz (Session C: June 21 - August 13)
PSYCH C64/MCELLBI C64: Exploring the Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience (3) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 13)
MCELLBI W61: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3) Presti (Session A: May 24 - July 2)
PSYCH N110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 6 - August 13)
STAT C8/COMPSCI C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 13)
Cognitive Neuroscience:
COGSCI 170: Brain Damage (3) Isaac (Session A: May 24 - July 2)
Cognitive Psychology:
PSYCH N140: Developmental Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 24 - July 2)
Computational Modeling:
- COMPSCI 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Yang, Qi (Session C: June 21 - August 13)
- COGSCI 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 22 - August 14)
LINGUIS W100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 22 - August 14)
PHILOS 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) McCauley (Session A: May 24 - July 2)
PHILOS 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 6 - August 13)
PHILOS 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 24 - July 2) and (Session D: July 6 - August 13)
PHILOS 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Andrews (Session D: July 6 - August 13)
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
ANTHRO 166: Language, Culture, and Society (4) Karl (Session D: July 6 - August 13)
ECON 119: Psychology and Economics (4) Campbell(Session A: May 24 - July 2)
PSYCH N160: Social Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 6 - August 13)
PSYCH 166AC: Cultural Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 6 - August 13)
SOCIOL 150: Social Psychology (4) Kaiser (Session A: May 24 - July 2)
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not a complete list of electives.
COMPSCI 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Vivrekar (Session C: June 21 - August 13)
COMPSCI C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 13)
EDUC 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Chase (Session C: June 21 - August 13)
PHILOS N188: Phenomenology (4) Grosser (Session D: July 6 - August 13)
POLSCI W164A: Political Psychology and Involvement (4) Broockman (Session C: June 21 - August 13)
PSYCH N134: Health Psychology (3) Fisher (Session A: May 24 - July 2)
PSYCH N150: Psychology of Personality (3) John (Session A: May 24 - July 2)
STAT C100: Principles and Techniques of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 21 - August 13)
Spring 2021
Prerequisites / Lower Division Courses
STAT C8/COMPSCI C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Babak Ayazifar, Swupnil Kumar Sahai
MATH 1A: Calculus (4) Aganagic
MATH 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Slaman
COMPSCI 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Hilfinger
ENGIN 7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Frenklach
COGSCI 1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (4) Li
- COGSCI 1B: Introduction to Cognitive Science (4) Ramirez
MATH 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Haiman
COMPSCI 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Satish B Rao, Shyam Pramod Parekh
PSYCH C61/MCELLBI C61: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3) Presti
PSYCH 110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (3) Foster
Distribution Group Courses
Cognitive Neuroscience:
COGSCI C127/PSYCH C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Ivry
COGSCI 170: Brain Damage (3) Isaac
PSYCH 114: Biology of Learning (3) Wilbrecht
Cognitive Psychology:
COGSCI C100: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Chan
- COGSCI 190: The Neuropsychology of Happiness (3) Chan
PSYCH C126/COGSCI C126: Perception (3) Whitney
PSYCH 140: Developmental Psychology (3) Xu
PSYCH 147: Methods in Cognitive Development (3) Kidd
LINGUIS C146/PSYCH C143: Language Acquisition (3) Srinivasan
Computational Modeling:
- COGSCI 190 Section 2: Rhythms of the Brain - Neuronal Communication and Networks (3) Jose Ramirez
COGSCI 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Jose Ramirez
COMPSCI 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Stuart J Russell, Xiaodong Dawn Song
COGSCI C101/LINGUIS C105: Cognitive Linguistics (4) Sweetser
LINGUIS 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Lin
COGSCI C142/LINGUIS C142: Language and Thought (3) Regier
PHILOS 3: The Nature of Mind (4) Campbell
PHILOS 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Mancosu
PHILOS 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Primus
PHILOS 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Lee
PHILOS 135: Theory of Meaning (4) Campbell
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
- EDUC W140: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
INFO 103: History of Information (4) Duguid
PSYCH 160: Social Psychology (3) Mauss
SOCIOL 150: Social Psychology (4) Powers
If you've completed a distribution group requirement, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not the complete list of electives.
ANTHRO 149: Psychological Anthropology (4) Pandolfo
ANTHRO 160AC: Forms of Folklore (4) Briggs
- COG SCI 150: Sensemaking and Organizing (3) Glushko
COGSCI 190: Special Topics in Cognitive Science (3)
COGSCI C140/LINGUIS C160: Quantitative Methods in Linguistics (4) Johnson
COMPSCI 288: Natural Language Processing (4) Klein
COMPSCI C280: Computer Vision (3) Efros, Yu
COMPSCI 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Chiesa, Demmel
COMPSCI 189: Introduction to Machine Learning (4) Shewchuk
EDUC 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Schoenfeld
INFO 159: Natural Language Processing (4) Bamman
INFO 232: Applied Behavioral Economics for Information Systems (3)
INTEGBI C143B/PSYCH C116: Hormones and Behavior (3) Kriegsfeld
LINGUIS 115: Morphology (4) Hyman
LINGUIS 120: Syntax (4) Mikkelsen
LS C160V/PSYCH C162: Human Happiness (3) Keltner
MEDIAST 104B: The History of Journalism (3) Davis
MCELLBI 161: Circuit, Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience (4) Scott, Adesnik, Dan
MCELLBI 163L: Mammalian Neuroanatomy Lab (4) Ball, Kramer, Elul
MCELLBI 165: Neurobiology of Disease (3) Bateup; Ball; Lammel
NATAMST 151: Native American Philosophy (4) Pearson
PHILOS 176: Hume (4) Bailey
PHILOS 178: Kant (4) Warren
PSYCH 130: Clinical Psychology (3) Bishop
PSYCH 135: Treating Mental Illness: Development, Evaluation, and Dissemination (3) Harvey
PSYCH 167AC: Stigma and Prejudice (3) Okonofua
RHETOR 103B: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory II (4) Constable
SOCIOL 166: Society and Technology (4) Huang
STAT 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Trujillo
STAT C100: Principles and Techniques of Data Science (4) Gonzalez; Bray
Fall 2020
Attention International Students: If you are interested in taking any Cogntive Science classes remotely during the Covid-19 pandemic, please note we are hoping to enable remote learning to occur for those who need or want it during Fall 2020. Please check back for more information.
Prerequisites / Lower Division Courses
Cog Sci 1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (4) Linda Isaac; Davina P Chan
Math 1A: Calculus (4) Richard H Bamler; Song Sun
Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Philip J Wood
CS 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) John S. DeNero, Hany Farid
Stat/CS C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) David Wagner, Swupnil Kumar Sahai
Math 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Instructor TBA
CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Instructor TBA
Psych 110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (3) Joni Wallis
Distribution Group Courses
Cognitive Neuroscience:
Cog Sci 170: Brain Damage (3) Linda Isaac
Cog Sci 172: Clinical Applications in Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Linda Isaac: CANCELLED
Cog Sci C127/Psych C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Richard Ivry
Cognitive Psychology:
Cog Sci C100/Psych C120: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Davina P Chan
Psych 140: Developmental Psychology (3) Jan Engelmann
Computational Modeling:
Cog Sci C131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Anne Ge Collins
- CogSci 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) José Ramirez
Comp Sci 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Anca Dragan
Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Andrew J Garrett
Classics 36: Greek Philosophy (4) Sara Magrin
- Philos 3: The Nature of Mind (4) Robert Alva Noe
Philos 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Warren
Philos 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Clarke
Philos 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Martin
Philos 133: Philosophy of Language (4) Seth Yalcin
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
Econ 119: Psychology and Economics (4) Daniel J. Acland
Educ 140AC/W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Glynda A. Hull
Sociol 150: Social Psychology (4) Brian A Powers
- Linguis 150: Sociolinguistics (4) Isaac L Bleaman
If you've completed a distribution group requirement, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not the complete list of electives.
Cog Sci C140: Quantitative Methods in Linguistics (4) Keith A. Johnson: Cancelled
Comp Sci 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Eric J Paulos
Comp Sci 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Umesh V Vazirani, Avishay Tal
Comp Sci 176: Algorithms for Computational Biology (4) Yosef
Comp Sci 186: Introduction to Database Systems (4) Alvin Cheung, Aditya Parameswaran
Comp Sci 189: Introduction to Machine Learning (4) Jennifer Listgarten, Anant Sahai, Jitendra Malik
- Data C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Anthony Joseph
Education 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Instructor TBA
Info 213: User Interface Design and Development (4) Niloufar Salehi
Info C262: Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces (4) Kimiko Ryokai
Linguis 110: Phonetics (4) Keith A. Johnson
Linguis 121: Logical Semantics (4) Line H.L. Mikkelsen
Linguis 130: Comparative and Historical Linguistics (4) Darya A Kavitskaya
Linguis 170: History, Structure, and Sociolinguistics of a Particular Language (3) Richard A Rhodes
Linguis 181: Lexical Semantics (3) Instructor TBA
McellBi 160: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (4) Ehud Isacoff, Helen Bateup, Diana M. Bautista
MCellBi 166: Biophysical Neurobiology (3) Tamira M Elul, Alan G. Miller
Mediast 103: Understanding Journalism (4) Thomas J Goldstein
Music 109/109M: Music Cognition: The Mind Behind the Musical Ear (3) Bamberger
NwMedia C262: Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces (4) Kimiko Ryokai
Philos 128: Philosophy of Science (4) Shamik Dasgupta
Philos 153: Chinese Philosophy (4) Instructor TBA
Philos 178: Kant (4) Wesley H. Holliday
Philos 140B: Intermediate Logic (4) Paolo Mancosu
Philos 186B: Later Wittgenstein (4) Hannah Ginsborg
PolSci 164A: Political Psychology and Involvement (4) Kent
Psych 125: The Developing Brain (3) Silvia A. Bunge
Psych 130: Clinical Psychology (3) Sheri Johnson
Psych 131: Developmental Psychopathology (3) Zhou
Psych 134: Health Psychology (3) Aaron Fisher
Psych 150: Psychology of Personality (3) Ozlem N Ayduk
Psych 167AC: Stigma and Prejudice (3) Okonofua
Rhetoric 103A: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory (4) Ramona Naddaff
Sociol 166: Society and Technology (4) Instructor TBA
Stat 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Gaston Sanchez Trujillo
UGIS 120: Introduction to Applied Language Studies (3) Catharine Vollmer
VisSci 265: Neural Composition (3) Bruno Adolphus Olshausen
Summer 2020
Prerequisites / Lower Division Courses
MATH N1A: Calculus (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 22 - August 14)
MATH N16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 22 - August 14)
COMPSCI 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 22 - August 14)
- COGSCI N1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (3) Isaac (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
ENGIN 7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Instructor TBA (Session B: June 8 - August 14)
MATH N55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 22 - August 14)
PSYCH C64/MCELLBI C64: Exploring the Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience (3) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 22 - August 14)
MCELLBI W61: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3) Presti (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
PSYCH N110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 6 - August 14)
- STAT C8/COMPSCI C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 22 - August 14)
Distribution Group Courses
Cognitive Neuroscience:
COGSCI 170: Brain Damage (3) Isaac (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
Cognitive Psychology:
PSYCH N140: Developmental Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
COGSCI 182: The Cognitive Psychology of Concept and Idea Formation (3) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
Computational Modeling:
COMPSCI 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 22 - August 14)
- COGSCI 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 22 - August 14)
LINGUIS 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 26 - July 2 and Session D: July 6 - August 14)
COGSCI 180: Mind, Brain, and Identity (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 6 - August 14)
- COGSCI 181: The Cognitive Unconscious (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 6 - August 14)
PHILOS 122: Theory of Knowledge (4) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
PHILOS 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
PHILOS 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
PHILOS 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
PHILOS 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 6 - August 14)
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
ANTHRO 166: Language, Culture, and Society (4) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 6 - August 14)
COGSCI 181: The Cognitive Unconscious (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 6 - August 14)
ECON 119: Psychology of Economics (4) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
LINGUIS 150: Sociolinguistics (3) Instructor TBA (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
PSYCH N160: Social Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 6 - August 14)
PSYCH 166AC: Cultural Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 6 - August 14)
SOCIOL 150: Social Psychology (4) Kaiser (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not a complete list of electives.
COGSCI 180: Mind, Brain, and Identity (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 6 - August 14)
COMPSCI C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 22 - August 14)
EDUC 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Stone (Session C: June 22 - August 14)
LINGUIS 151: Language and Gender (3) Instructor TBA (Session D: July 6 - August 14)
POLSCI N164A: Psychology of Politics (4) Freeder (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
PSYCH N134: Health Psychology (3) Fisher (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
PSYCH N150: Psychology of Personality (3) John (Session A: May 26 - July 2)
SOCIOL 167: Virtual Communities/Social Media (4) Lin (Session D: July 6 - August 14)
STAT C100: Principles and Techniques of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session C: June 22 - August 14)
Spring 2020
Prerequisites / Lower Division Courses
STAT C8/COMPSCI C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA
MATH 1A: Calculus (4) Aganagic
MATH 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Talaska
COMPSCI 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Hilfinger
ENGIN 7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Sengupta
COGSCI 1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (4) Isaac; Li
MATH 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Holtz
COMPSCI 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Ayazifar; Tygar
PSYCH C61/MCELLBI C61: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3) Presti
Distribution Group Courses
Cognitive Neuroscience:
PSYCH 117: Human Neuropsychology (3) Knight
- COGSCI 171: Genetic Factors in Neuropsychology (3) Isaac
- COGSCI 172: Clinical Applications in Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Isaac
Cognitive Psychology:
PSYCH C126/COGSCI C126: Perception (3) Whitney
PSYCH 147: Methods in Cognitive Development (3) Kidd
COGSCI 182: The Cognitive Psychology of Concept and Idea Formation (3) Pageler
Computational Modeling:
COGSCI 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Piantadosi
COMPSCI 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Levine
LINGUIS 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Jenks
LINGUIS C142: Language and Thought (3) Regier
- CogSci 144: The Cognitive Science of Language (3) Pageler
COGSCI 180: Mind, Brain, and Identity (3) Pageler
PHILOS 3: The Nature of Mind (4) Campbell
PHILOS 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Yalcin
PHILOS 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Crockett
PHILOS 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Lee
PHILOS 133: Philosophy of Language (4) Yalcin
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
INFO 103: History of Information (4) Duguid
EDUC 140AC/W140A: Art of Making Meaning (4) Hull
PSYCH 160: Social Psychology (3) Mauss
SOCIOL 150: Social Psychology (4) Powers
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not a complete list of electives.
ANTHRO 160AC: Forms of Folklore (4) Briggs
ANTHRO 111: Evolution of Human Behavior (4) Deacon
ANTHRO 169C: Research Theory and Methods in Linguistic Anthropology (4) Hanks
COGSCI 180: Mind, Brain, and Identity (3) Pageler
COGSCI C140: Quantitative Methods in Linguistics (4) Zymet
COMPSCI 288: Natural Language Processing (4) DeNero; Klein
COMPSCI C280: Computer Vision (3) Malik; Efros; Yu
COMPSCI 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Chiesa
COMPSCI W186: Introduction to Database Systems (4)
COMPSCI 189: Introduction to Machine Learning (4) Shewchuk
COMPSCI C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Gonzalez; Adhikari
COMPSCI 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Hartmann
EDUC C229A: Proseminar: Problem Solving and Understanding (3) Ranney
EDUC 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Abrahamson
INDENG 170: Industrial Design and Human Factors (3) Harris-Adamson
INFO 159: Natural Language Processing (4) Bamman
LINGUIS 170: History, Structure, and Sociolinguistics of a Particular Language (3) Mikkelsen
LINGUIS 120: Syntax (4) Deal
LINGUIS 115: Morphology (4) Mikkelsen
LS C160V/PSYCH C162: Human Happiness (3) Keltner
MCELLBI 161: Circuit, Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience (4) Bautista; Adesnik; Dan
MCELLBI 165: Neurobiology of Disease (3) Bateup; Ball; Lammel
MUSIC 108/108M: Music Perception and Cognition (4) Instructor TBA
NATAMST 151: Native American Philosophy (4) Pearson
PHILOS 185: Heidegger (4) Kaiser
PHILOS 128: Philosophy of Science (4) Dasgupta
POLSCI 161: Public Opinion, Voting and Participation (4) Middleton
PSYCH 130: Clinical Psychology (3) Johnson
PSYCH 131: Developmental Psychopathology (3) Hinshaw
PSYCH 135: Treating Mental Illness: Development, Evaluation, and Dissemination (3) Harvey
PSYCH 150: Psychology of Personality (3) John
RHETOR 103B: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory II (4) Esmeir
STAT 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Trujillo
STAT C100: Principles and Techniques of Data Science (4) Gonzalez; Adhikari
Fall 2019
Lower Division Courses
Cog Sci 1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (3) Instructor TBA
Math 1A: Calculus (4) Paulin; Gomez
Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Talaska; Slaman
CS 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) DeNero
Stat/CS C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Sridharan
Math 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Shende
CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Sinclair, Song
- Psych 110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (3) Foster (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth) ** fulfills MCB C61 lower division requirement (added 4/15/2019)
Distribution Group Courses
Cognitive Neuroscience:
Cog Sci 190-001: Clinical Applications in Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Isaac TBA
Cog Sci 190-003: Brain Damage (3) Isaac TBA
Anthro 107: Evolution of the Human Brain (4) Instructor TBA
Cog Sci C127/Psych C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Gallant
Psych 133: Psychology of Sleep (3) Walker
Cognitive Psychology:
Psych 140: Developmental Psychology (3) Bayne
Psych C143/Linguis C146: Language Acquisition (3) Srinivasan
- Psych C120/CogSci C100: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Instructor TBA
Computational Modeling:
Cog Sci 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Instructor TBA
CS 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Dragan
Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Johnson
- Classics 36: Greek Philosophy (4) Magrin
Philos 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Mancosu
Philos 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Macfarlane
Philos 135: Theory of Meaning (4) Campbell
Philos 136: Philosophy of Perception (4) Noe
- Cog Sci 190-002: The Cognitive Unconscious (3) Pageler
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
Econ 119: Psychology and Economics (4) Taubinsky
Educ 140AC/W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
Ling 150: Sociolinguistics (3) Instructor TBA
Sociol 150: Social Psychology (4) Powers
- Psych 160: Social Psychology (3) Chen
- CogSci 190-002: The Cognitive Unconscious (3) Pageler
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not the complete list of electives.
Cog Sci 150: Sensemaking and Organizing (3) Glushko: CANCELLED
Anthro 107: Evolution of the Human Brain (4) Instructor TBA (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth)
CS 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Paulos
CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Trevisan, Raghavendra
CS 176: Algorithms for Computational Biology (4) Yosef
CS 186: Introduction to Database Systems (4) Hug
Linguis 110: Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology (4) Lin (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Linguis 121: Logical Semantics (4) Jenks (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Linguis 130: Comparative and Historical Linguistics (4) Instructor TBA (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Linguis 150: Sociolinguistics (4) Instructor TBA (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
MCB 160: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (4) Isacoff, Bateup, Ngai
MCB 166: Biophysical Neurobiology (3) Instructor TBA
Mediast 101: Visual Culture (4) Jackson (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Music 109/109M: Music Cognition: The Mind Behind the Musical Ear (3) Bamberger (Fulfills Arts & Literature Breadth)
Philos 153: Chinese Philosophy (4) Shun
Philos 176: Hume (4) Martin (Fulfills Philosophy and Values Breadth)
Psych 110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (3) Foster (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth)
Psych C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Gallant
Psych 167AC: Stigma and Prejudice (3) Okonofua (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Rhetoric 103A: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory (4) Instructor TBA (Fulfills Arts & Literature Breadth)
Sociol 150: Social Psychology (4) Powers (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Sociol 167: Virtual Communities/Social Media (4) Lin (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Stat C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Hug
Stat 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Instructor TBA
Summer 2019
Lower Division Courses
- Cog Sci N1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (3) Instructors TBA (3 sections total! Session A AND Session D, 6 week sessions)
- Math N16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Instructor TBA (Session C, 8 week session)
- CS 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Instructor TBA (Session C, 8 week session)
- CS W61A: (ONLINE) The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Instructor TBA (Session C, 8 week session)
- Engin 7: Intro to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Instructor TBA (Session B, 10 week session)
- Math N55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Instructor TBA (Session C, 8 week session)
- CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Instructor TBA (Session C, 8 week session)
- MCB W61: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3) Presti (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- MCB C64: Exploring the Brain: Intro to Neuroscience (3) Instructor TBA (Session C, 8 week session)
Distribution Group Courses
Cognitive Neuroscience:
CANCELLED: Cog Sci 190: Cognitive Neuroscience: Neurons and Networks (3) Instructor TBA (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
Cognitive Psychology:
Psych N120: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Linguis 146: Language Acquisition (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Computational Modeling:
Cog Sci 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Instructor TBA (Session C; 8 week session)
Cog Sci C101/Linguis C105: The Mind and Language (4) Instructor TBA (Session C, 8 week session)
Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session A, 1st 6 week session; Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Cogsci 180: Mind, Brain and Identity (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
Philos 3: The Nature of Mind (4) Ginsborg (Session A, 1st 6 week session; Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Philos 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Ginsborg, Khokar (Session A, 1st 6 week session; Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Philos W12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Holliday (Session C, 8 week session)
Philos 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Ginsborg (Session A, 1st 6 week session; Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Philos 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Crockett, Ginsborg (Session A, 1st 6 week session; Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Philos 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Philos 133: Philosophy of Language (4) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Philos 135: Theory of Meaning (4) Instructor TBA (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
Anthro 166: Language, Culture, and Society (4) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Econ 119: Psychology of Economics (4) Jones (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
Educ W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives... (4) Hull, Unadkat, Adams (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Psych N160: Social Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Psych 166AC: Cultural Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Sociol 150: Social Psychology (4) Instructor TBA (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not the complete list of electives, but only what is offered during the summer.
- Anthro 166: Language, Culture, and Society (4) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Cog Sci C101/Linguis C105: The Mind and Language (4) Instructor TBA (Session C, 8 week session)
- Cog Sci 180: Mind, Brain and 'Identity' (3) Instructo TBA (Session A, first 6 week session)
- CS 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Garcia (Session C, 8 week session)
- Econ 119: Psychology of Economics (4) Jones (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Educ 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3) Stone (Session C, 8 week session)
- Educ W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives... (4) Hull, Unadkat, Adams (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session A, 1st 6 week session; Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Linguis 146: Language Acquisition (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Philos 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Philos 133: Philosophy of Language (4) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Philos 135: Theory of Meaning (4) Instructor TBA (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Political Science N164A: Psychology of Politics (4) Instructor TBA (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Psych N120: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Psych N134: Health Psychology (3) Fisher (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Psych N140: Developmental Psychology Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Psych N150: Psychology of Personality (3) John (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Psych N160: Social Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Psych 166AC: Cultural Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Psych 167AC: Stigma and Prejudice (3) Mendoza-Denton (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Sociol 150: Social Psychology (4) Instructor TBA (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Sociol 167: Virtual Communities/Social Media (4) Lin (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Stat C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session C, 8 week session)
Spring 2019
Lower Division Courses
Cog Sci 1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (4) Li
Math 1A: Calculus (4) Sun
Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Gomez
CS 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Garcia
Engin 7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Sengupta
Stat/Info/CS C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Fithian & Adhikara
Math 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Ribet
CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Ayazifar & Rao
Distribution Group Courses
Cognitive Neuroscience:
Psych 114: Biology of Learning (3) Wilbrecht
Cognitive Psychology:
Cog Sci C126/ Psych C126: Perception (3) Whitney
Linguis C146/ Psych 143: Language Acquisition (3) Srinivasan
Psych 140: Developmental Psychology (3) Gopnik
- Psych 147: Methods in Cognitive Development (3) Kidd
Computational Modeling:
Cog Sci 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Piantadosi
CS 188: Intro to Artificial Intelligence (4) Levine & Russell
Cog Sci C101/Linguis C105: The Mind & Language (4) Sweetser
Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Lin
- Philos 3: The Nature of Mind (4) Campbell
Philos 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Holliday
Philos 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Primus
- Classic 36: Greek Philosophy (4) Magrin
Philos 122: Theory of Knowledge (4) Holliday
Philos 133: Philosophy of Language (4) Ginsborg
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
Educ 140AC: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
Educ W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
Psych 160: Social Psychology (3) Mauss
Sociol 150: Social Psychology (4) Powers
Info 103: History of Information (3) Nunberg, Duguid [Note* this course should appear in the schedule of classes before Phase 1 begins]
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not the complete list of electives.
Anthro 160AC: Forms of Folklore (4) Briggs (Fulfills Arts & Literature, Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Anthro 169C: Research Theory and Methods in Linguistic Anthropology (4) Hanks
Cog Sci C101/Linguis C105: The Mind & Language (4) Sweetser (Fulfills Philosophy & Value, Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Cog Sci 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Piantadosi
Cog Sci C126/ Psych C126: Perception (3) Whitney (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth)
Cog Sci 190: Special Topics in Cognitive Science (3) Glushko
CS 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Hartmann
CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Trevisan & Raghavendra
CS 186: Intro to Database Systems (4) Hellerstein
CS 188: Intro to Artificial Intelligence (4) Levine & Russell
CS 189: Intro to Machine Learning (4) Shewchuk
CS 288: Natural Language Processing (4) Klein
CS C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (4) DeNero & Dudoit
Educ 130: Knowing & Learning in Mathematics & Science (3) Abrahamson (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Educ 140AC: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth; Fulfills American Cultures Requirement)
Educ W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth; Fulfills American Cultures Requirement)
Indeng 170: Industrial Design and Human Factors (3) Harris-Adamson
Info 103: History of Information (3) Nunberg, Duguid [Note* this course should appear in the schedule of classes before Phase 1 begins]
Info C167/ Sociol C167: Virtual Communities/ Social Media (4) Bakehorn
Integbi C143B/ Psych C116: Hormones and Behavior (3) Kriegsfeld
Linguis 100: Intro to Linguistic Science (4) Lin (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Linguis 120: Syntax (4) Jenks (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Linguis 170: History, Structure, and Sociolinguistics of a Particular Language (3) Garrett (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Linguis C105/ Cog Sci C101: Cognitive Linguistics (4) Sweetser (Fulfills Philosophy & Value, Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Linguis C146/ Psych C143: Language Acquisition (3) Srinivasan (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Media Studies 101: Visual Communications (4) Jackson (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Media Studies 104B: The History of Journalism (3) Davis (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences, Historical Studies Breadth)
Molecular & Cell Biology 161: Circuit, Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience (4) Feldman, Dan, Scott
Molecular & Cell Biology 165: Neurobiology of Disease (3) Bateup, Ball, Lammel
Molecular & Cell Biology 160L: Neurobiology Laboratory (4) Ball, Brohawn, Feller
Native American Studies 151: Native American Philosophy (4) Pearson (Fulfills Philosophy & Value Breadth)
New Media 190: Special Topics in New Media (4) Garcia
Philos 122: Theory of Knowledge (4) Holliday (Fulfills Philosophy & Value Breadth)
Philos 133: Philosophy of Language (4) Ginsborg (Fulfills Philosophy & Value Breadth)
Philos 140B: Intermediate Logic (4) Mancosu (Fulfills Philosophy & Value Breadth)
PolSci 161: Public Opinion, Voting and Participation (4) Middleton(Fulfills Philosophy & Value Breadth)
PolSci 164A: Political Psychology and Involvement (4) Stoker (Fulfills Philosophy & Value Breadth)
Psych 110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (3) Foster (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences, Biological Science Breadth)
Psych 114: Biology of Learning (3) Wilbrecht (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth)
Psych 130: Clinical Psychology (3) Kring (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Psych 131: Developmental Psychopathology (3) TDB
Psych 135: Treating Mental Illness: Development, Evaluation, and Dissemination (3) Harvey
Psych 140: Developmental Psychology (3) Gopnik (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Psych 150: Psychology of Personality (3) John (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Psych 160: Social Psychology (3) Mauss (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Rhetor 103B: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory II (4) Esmeir (Fulfills Arts & Literature, Philosophy & Values Breadth)
Sociol 150: Social Psychology (4) Powers (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Sociol 166: Society and Technology (4) Huang (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
Stat 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Trujillo
Fall 2018
Lower Division Courses
- Cog Sci 1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (3) Li
- Math 1A: Calculus (4) Paulin; Bamler
- Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Talaska
- CS 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) DeNero
- Engin 7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Papadopoulos
- Stat/CS C8: Foundations of Data Science (4) Wagner & Adhikari
- Math 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Haiman
- CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Sinclair
Distribution Group Courses
Cognitive Neuroscience:
- Anthro 107: Evolution of the Human Brain (4) Deacon
- Psych 117: Human Neuropsychology (3) D'Esposito
- Cog Sci C127/Psych C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Gallant
- Psych 133: Psychology of Sleep (3) Walker
Cognitive Psychology:
- Psych 140: Developmental Psychology (3) Xu
Computational Modeling:
- CS 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Russell
- Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Jenks
- Philos 3: The Nature of Mind (4) Noe**
- Philos 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Mancosu**
- Philos 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Clarke**
- Philos 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Martin
- Philos 135: Theory of Meaning (4) Campbell
**Students have the option to to fulfill the Philosophy requirement by taking one of the listed lower division classes (Phil 3, 12A, 25A, or 25B). Students who decide to take a lower division Philosophy course MUST finish at least 30 upper division units in the major. Honor's thesis units (H195A or B) can replace an additional elective for students who opt for lower division Philosophy).
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
- Econ 119: Psychology and Economics (4) Taubinsky
- Educ 140AC/W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
- Ling 150: Socioloinguistics (3) Instructor TBA
- Sociol 150: Social Psychology (4) Powers
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective. Please keep in mind this is not the complete list of electives.
- Anthro 107: Evolution of the Human Brain (4) Deacon (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth)
- CS 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Paulos
- CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Chiesa, Rao
- CS 176: Algorithms for Computational Biology (4) Yosef, Nir
- CS 186: Introduction to Database Systems (4) Instructor TBA
- CS 189: Introduction to Machine Learning (4) Hardt, Recht
- Linguis 110: Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology (4) Johnson (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Linguis 121: Logical Semantics (4) Deal (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Linguis 130: Comparative and Historical Linguistics (4) Garrett (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Linguis 150: Sociolinguistics (4) Intructor TBA (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Linguis 170: History, Structure, and Sociolinguistics of a Particular Language (3) Beier (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- MCB 160: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (4) Bateup, Ngai, Feller
- MCB 166: Biophysical Neurobiology (3) Elul, Miller
- Mediast 102: Effects of Mass Media (4) Timke (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Music 108/108M: Music Perception and Cognition (3) Gygi (Fulfills Arts & Literature Breadth)
- Music 109/109M: Music Cognition: The Mind Behind the Musical Ear (3) Bamberger (Fulfills Arts & Literature Breadth)
- Philos 153: Chinese Philosophy (4) Shun
- Philos 178: Kant (4) Warren (Fulfills Historical Studies, Philosophy and Values Breadth)
- Psych 110: Introduction to Biological Psychology (3) Wallis, Joni (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth)
- Psych 117: Human Neuropsychology (3) D'Esposito (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth)
- Psych C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Gallant, Jack
- Psych 130: Clinical Psychology (3) Bishop (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Psych 133: Psychology of Sleep (3) Walker (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth)
- Psych 144: Emerging Adulthood (3) Bayne (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Psych 150: Psychology of Personality (3) John (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Psych C162: Human Happiness (3) Keltner (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Psych 167AC: Stigma and Prejudice (3) Okonofua (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Rhetoric 103A: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory (4) Naddaff (Fulfills Arts & Literature Breadth)
- Stat 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Sanchez Trujillo
Summer 2018
Lower Division Courses:
- Cog Sci N1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (3) Li (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Comp Sci 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Instructor TBA (Session C, 8 week session)
- Comp Sci 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Instructor TBA (Session C, 8 week session)
- Engin W7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Instructor TBA (Session B, 10 week session)
- Math 1A: Calculus (4) Instructors TBA (Session C, 8 week session) Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Instructors TBA (Session C, 8 week session) Math 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Instructors TBA (Session C, 8 week session)
- MCB W61: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3) Presti (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- MCB C64: Exploring the Brain: Intro to Neuroscience (3) Instructor TBA (Session C, 8 week session)
Distribution Group Courses:
Cognitive Neuroscience:
- Psych N117: Human Neuropsychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Cognitive Psychology:
- Linguis 146: Language Acquisition (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Computational Modeling:
- None
- Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session A, 1st 6 week session; Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Philos 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Khatchirian (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Philos 133: Philosophy of Language (4) Khatchirian (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Philos 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Khokhar, Ginsborg (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)**
- Philos W12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Holliday (Session C, 8 week session)**
- Philos 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Gooding, Ginsborg; Arsenault, Ginsborg (Session A, 1st 6 week session; Session D, 2nd 6 week session)**
- Philos 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Crockett; Ginsborg, Peacocke (Session A, 1st 6 week session; Session D, 2nd 6 week session)**
**Students have the option to to fulfill the Philosophy requirement by taking one of the listed lower division classes (Phil 3, 12A, 25A, or 25B). Students who decide to take a lower division Philosophy course MUST take an additional upper division elective course and finish at least 30 upper division units in the major. Honor's thesis units (H195A or B) can replace an additional elective for students who opt for lower division Philosophy).
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
- Anthro 166: Language, Culture, and Society (4) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Econ 119: Psychology of Economics (4) Graziani, Jansson (Session C, 8 week session)
- Education W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull, Lizarraga; Adams; Unadkat (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Psych N160: Social Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Psych 166AC: Cultural Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Sociology 150: Social Psychology (4) Powers (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Anthro 166: Language, Culture, and Society (4) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Education 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (4) Ham (Session C, 8 week session)
- Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Instructor TBA (Session A, 1st 6 week session; Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Linguistics 151: Language and Gender (3) Instructor TBA (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Philos 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Khatchirian (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Philos 133: Philosophy of Language (4) Khatchirian (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Philos N188: Phenomenology (4) Suarez (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Psych N117: Human Neuropsychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Psych 134: Health Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Psych N150: Psychology of Personality (3) Instructor TBA (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Psych N160: Social Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Psych 166AC: Cultural Psychology (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Stat 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Instructor TBA (Session B, 10 week session)
Spring 2018
- Cog Sci 1: Intro to Cognitive Science (4) Li
- Math 1A: Calculus (4) Bamler
- Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Slaman
- CS 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Hilfinger, DeNero
- Engin 7: Intro to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Instructor TBA
- Math 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Williams
- CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Ayazifar, Rao
- MCB C61: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3) Presti (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth)
Cognitive Neuroscience:
- Cog Sci/Psych C127 Has been cancelled
- Psych 117: Human Neuropsychology (3) Knight (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth) Note: 75 seats reserved for Cog Sci majors will become available at the beginning of Phase 2
Cognitive Psychology:
- Cog Sci C126/Psych C126: Perception (3) Whitney (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth)
Computational Modeling:
- Cog Sci 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Collins
- CS 188: Intro to Artificial Intelligence (4) Dragan, Levine
- Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Michael (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Philos 3: The Nature of Mind (4) Campbell (Fulfills Philosophy and Values Breadth)
- Philos 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Warren**
- Philos 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Primus**
- Philos 133: Philosophy of Language (4) Yalcin (Fulfills Philosophy and Values Breadth)
- Philos 135: Theory of Meaning (4) Campbell (Fulfills Philosophy and Values Breadth)
**Students have the option to to fulfill the Philosophy requirement by taking one of the listed lower division classes (Phil 3, 12A, 25A, or 25B). Students who decide to take a lower division Philosophy course MUST be sure they have at least 30 upper division units for the major (not including the lower division philosophy class). If not, you will need to take an additional upper division elective course and finish at least 30 upper division units in the major. Honor's thesis units (H195A or B) can replace an additional elective for students who opt for lower division Philosophy).
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
- Education W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
- Education 140AC: The Art of Making ... Literacy (4) Hull (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Information 103: History of Information (3) Duguid, Nunberg (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Sociol 150: Social Psychology (4) Powers (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective.
Cognitive Neuroscience:
- MCB 160L: Neurobiology Lab (4) Kramer, Ball, Zucker
- MCB 161: Circuit, Systems and Behavioral Science (4) Scott, Dan, Adesnik
- Psych 114: Biology of Learning and Neural Plasticity (3) Instructor TBA (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth)
- Psych 117: Human Neuropsychology (3) Knight (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth)
Cognitive Psychology:
- Cog Sci/Psych C126: Cognitive Psychology (3) Whitney (Fulfills Biological Science Breadth)
- Educ 229A: Problem Solving and Understanding (3) Ranney
Computational Modeling:
- CS 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Instructor TBA
- CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Chiesa, Vazirani
- CS 186: Intro to Database Systems (4) Instructor TBA
- *CS 289A: Intro to Machine Learning (4) Instructor TBA
- Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Michael (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Linguis 115: Phonology and Morphology (4) Hyman (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Linguis 120: Introduction to Syntax and Semantics (4) Mikkelsen (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Linguis 170: History, Structure, and Sociolinguistics of a Particular Language (3) Garrett (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Linguis 109: Bilingualism
- NatAmst 151: Native American Philosophy (4) Pearson (Fulfills Philosophy and Values Breadth)
- Philos 128: Philosophy of Science (4) Dasgupta (Fulfills Philosophy and Values Breadth)
- Philos 133: Philosophy of Language (4) Yalcin (Fulfills Philosophy and Values Breadth)
- Philos 135: Theory of Meaning (4) Campbell (Fulfills Philosophy and Values Breadth)
- Philos 185: Heidegger (4) Kaiser (Fulfills Philosophy and Values Breadth)
- Rhetor 107: Rhetoric of Scientific Discourse (4) Bates (Fulfills Philosophy and Values Breadth)
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
- Anthro 160AC: Forms of Folklore (4) Briggs (Fulfills Arts & Literature + Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Education W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
- Education 140AC: The Art of Making ... Literacy (4) Hull (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Information 103: History of Information (3) Duguid, Nunberg (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences)
- MediaSt 101: Visual Communications (4) Jackson (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- MediaSt 103: Understanding Journalism (4) Retzinger (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Psych 167AC: Stigma and Predjudice (3) Mendoza-Denton (Fulfills Social and Behavioral Sciences Breadth)
- Rhetoric 103B: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory (4) Instructor TBA (Fulfills Arts & Literature Breadth)
Fall 2017
- Cog Sci N1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (3) Li (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Comp Sci 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Lin, Chu (Session C, 8 week session)
- Comp Sci 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Tang, Lu, Moulos (Session C, 8 week session)
- Engin W7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Anwar (Session B, 10 week session)
- Math 1A: Calculus (4) Suh, Foster (Session C, 8 week session)
- Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Martinez (Session C, 8 week session)
- Math 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Ramkumar, Jiang (Session C, 8 week session)
- MCB W61: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3) Presti (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- MCB C64: Exploring the Brain: Intro to Neuroscience (3) Leinwand, Schwendinger-Schreck (Session C, 8 week session)
Cognitive Neuroscience:
- Anthro 107: Evolution of the Human Brain (4) Deacon
- Cog Sci C127/Psych C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Ivry
Cognitive Psychology:
- None
Computational Modeling:
- CS 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) Instructor TBA
**Cog Sci 131 will be offered in Spring 2018**
- Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Jenks
- Linguis 108: Introduction to Psycholinguistics (3) Gahl*
*Check with instructor regarding preparation for this course.
- Philos 3: The Nature of Mind (4) Noe**
- Philos 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Yalcin**
- Philos 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Macfarlane**
- Philos 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Khatchirian
**Students have the option to to fulfill the Philosophy requirement by taking one of the listed lower division classes (Phil 3, 12A, 25A, or 25B). Students who decide to take a lower division Philosophy course MUST finish at least 30 upper division units in the major. Honor's thesis units (H195A or B) can replace an additional elective for students who opt for lower division Philosophy).
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
- Econ 119: Psychology and Economics (4) Hawkins
- Educ 140AC: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull
- Psych 160: Social Psychology (3) Chen
- Sociol 150: Social Psychology (4) Powers
- Ling 150: Socioloinguistics (3) Smith
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective.
Cognitive Neuroscience:
- MCB 160: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (4) Feldman, Isacoff, Ngai
- MCB 166: Biophysical Neurobiology (3) Elul, Miller
Cognitive Psychology:
- Cog Sci C127/Psych C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Irvy
- Educ 224A: Mathematical Thinking and Problem Solving (3) Schoenfeld
- Music 108/108M: Music Perception and Cognition (3) Instructor TBA
- Music 109/109M: Music Cognition: The Mind Behind the Musical Ear (3) Bamberger
Computational Modeling:
- CS 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Instructor TBA
- CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Raghavendra
- CS 186: Introduction to Database Systems (4) Hellerstein
- Stat 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Sanchez Trujillo
- Linguis 106: Metaphor (4) Sweetser
- Linguis 110: Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology (4) Lin
- Philos 140A: Intermediate Logic (4) Warren
- Philos 178: Kant (4) Warren
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
- Linguis 130: Comparative and Historical Linguistics (4) Garrett
- Mediast 102: Effects of Mass Media (4) Timke
- Philos 153: Chinese Philosophy (4) Shun
- Psych 167AC: Stigma and Prejudice (3) Mendoza-Denton
- Rhetoric 103A: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory (4) Porter
Note the following courses from the Jacobs Institute course list are acceptable as an elective for Cog Sci: CS 160, CS 294-84/ME 290U
Summer 2017
- Cog Sci N1: Introduction to Cognitive Science (3) Li (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Comp Sci 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Lin, Chu (Session C, 8 week session)
- Comp Sci 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Tang, Lu, Moulos (Session C, 8 week session)
- Engin W7: Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) Anwar (Session B, 10 week session)
- Math 1A: Calculus (4) Suh, Foster (Session C, 8 week session)
- Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Martinez (Session C, 8 week session)
- Math 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Ramkumar, Jiang (Session C, 8 week session)
- MCB W61: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3) Presti (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- MCB C64: Exploring the Brain: Intro to Neuroscience (3) Leinwand, Schwendinger-Schreck (Session C, 8 week session)
Cognitive Neuroscience:
- None
Cognitive Psychology:
- Cog Sci C100: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Instructor TBA (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
Computational Modeling:
- None
- Cog Sci C101/Linguistics C105: The Mind and Language (4) Lichtenstein (Session C, 8 week session)
- Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Baclawski (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Philos 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Noe (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Philos 135: Theory of Meaning (4) Khatchirian (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Philos 25A: Ancient Philosophy (4) Vlasits; Gibson** (Session A, 1st 6 week session; Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Philos 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Crockett; Hutchinson** (Session A, 1st 6 week session; Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Philos 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Lawrence; Rudolph** (Session A, 1st 6 week session; Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
**Students have the option to to fulfill the Philosophy requirement by taking one of the listed lower division classes (Phil 3, 12A, 25A, or 25B). Students who decide to take a lower division Philosophy course MUST take an additional upper division elective course and finish at least 30 upper division units in the major. Honor's thesis units (H195A or B) can replace an additional elective for students who opt for lower division Philosophy).
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
- Anthro 166: Language, Culture, and Society (4) Karl (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Econ 119: Psychology of Economics (4) Graziani (Session C, 8 week session)
- Education W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World (4) Hull (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Psych N160: Social Psychology (3) Gorchoff (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Psych 166AC: Cultural Psychology (3) Gorchoff (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Sociology 150: Social Psychology (4) Powers (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Cog Sci C101/Linguistics C105: The Mind and Language (4) Lichtenstein (Session C, 8 week session)
- CS 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Torres (Session C, 8 week session)
- Education 130: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (4) Ham (Session C, 8 week session)
- Linguistics 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Baclawski (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Linguistics 151: Language and Gender (3) Donnelly, Garrett (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Native American Studies 151: Native American Philosophy (4) Pearson (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Philos 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Noe (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Philos 135: Theory of Meaning (4) Khatchirian (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Psychology 101: Research and Data Analysis in Psychology (4) Guadagno (Session C, 8 week session)
- Psychology N134: Health Psychology (3) Fisher (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Psychology N140: Developmental Psychology (3) Cook (Session D, 2nd 6 week session)
- Psychology N150: Psychology of Personality (3) John, Gonzalez (Session A, 1st 6 week session)
- Stat 133: Concepts in Computing with Data (3) Ibser (Session B, 10 week session)
Spring 2017
- Cog Sci 1: Intro to Cognitive Science (4) Instructor TBA
- Math 1A: Calculus (4) Haiman
- Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) Slaman
- CS 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Garcia, Hilfinger
- Engin 7: Intro to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) TBA
- Math 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Serganova
- CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Sahai
- MCB C61: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3) Presti
Cognitive Neuroscience:
- Cog Sci/Psych C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Gallant
- Psych 133: Psychology of Sleep (3) Walker
Cognitive Psychology:
- Cog Sci C126/Psych C126: Perception (3) Whitney
- Linguis C146/Psych C143: Language Acquisition (3) TBA
Computational Modeling:
- CS 188: Intro to Artificial Intelligence (4) Dragan
- Cog Sci C142/Linguis C142: Language and Thought (3) Regier
- Linguis 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science (4) Garrett
- Linguis 108; Introduction to Psycholinguistics (3) Gahl
- Philos 3: The Nature of Mind (4) Campbell**
- Philos 12A: Introduction to Logic (4) Mancosu**
- Philos 25B: Modern Philosophy (4) Ginsborg**
- Philos 122: Theory of Knowledge (4) Holliday
- Philos 132: Philosophy of Mind (4) Searle
- Philos 133: Philosophy of Language (4) Yalcin
**Students have the option to to fulfill the Philosophy requirement by taking one of the listed lower division classes (Phil 3, 12A, 25A, or 25B). Students who decide to take a lower division Philosophy course MUST be sure they have at least 30 upper division units for the major (not including the lower division philosophy class). If not, you will need to take an additional upper division elective course and finish at least 30 upper division units in the major. Honor's thesis units (H195A or B) can replace an additional elective for students who opt for lower division Philosophy).
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
- Cog Sci C103/Info C103/MediaStd C104C/Hist C192: History of Information (3) Nunberg, Duguid
- Psych 160: Social Psychology (3) Mauss
- Psych 166AC: Cultural Psychology (3) TBA
- Sociol 150: Social Psychology (4) Powers
- Education W140A: The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective.
Cognitive Neuroscience:
- MCB 160L: Neurobiology Lab (4) Larue, Kramer, Zucker, Ball
- MCB 161: Circuit, Systems and Behavioral Science (4) Feldman, Adesnik, Scott
- MCB 165: Neurobiology of Disease (3) Bateup, Ball, Lammel
- Psych 114: Biology of Learning and Neural Plasticity (3) Wilbrecht
Cognitive Psychology:
- Cog Sci/Psych C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Gallant
- Educ 229A: Problem Solving and Understanding (3) Ranney
- Psych 133: Psychology of Sleep (3) Walker
Computational Modeling:
- CS 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Canny
- CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Raghavendra, Garg
- CS 186: Intro to Database Systems (4) Hellerstein
- *CS C280/Vision Science C280: Computer Vision (3) Efros, Malik
- *CS 289A: Intro to Machine Learning (4) Shewchuck
- Cog Sci C140/Linguis C160: Quantitative Methods in Linguistics (4) Johnson
- Linguis 115: Phonology and Morphology (4) Hyman
- Linguis 120: Introduction to Syntax and Semantics (4) Jenks
- Linguis 121: Logical Semantics (4) Mikkelsen
- Linguis C146/Psych C143: Language Acquisition (3) TBA
- Philos 186B: Later Wittgenstein (4) Stroud
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
- Anthro 160AC: Forms of Folklore (4) Briggs
- MediaSt 101: Visual Communications (4) Jackson
- Poli Sci 161: Public Opinion, Voting and Participation (4) Middleton
- Rhetoric 103B: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory (4) Esmeir
Note the following courses from the Jacobs Institute course list are acceptable as an elective for Cog Sci: BIOE 295; CS 160, DESINV 190-002, IEOR 185, IEOR 170, IEOR 191, ME 110, ME 122, NWMedia C203, PH 214, UGBA 190T/ART 100-001/THEATER 100-001 + 100-002
Fall 2016
- Cog Sci 1: Intro to Cognitive Science (4) TBA
- Math 1A: Calculus (4) Paulin, Shin
- Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (3) TBA
- CS 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (4) Denero
- Engin 7: Intro to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers (4) TBA
- Math 55: Discrete Mathematics (4) Stankova
- CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4) Walrand
Cognitive Neuroscience:
- Anthropology 107: Evolution of the Human Brain (4) Deacon
- Cog Sci/Psych C127: Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Ivry
Cognitive Psychology:
- Cog Sci C100/Psych C120: Basic Issues in Cognition (3) Instructor TBA
Computational Modeling:
- Cognitive Science 131: Computational Models of Cognition (4) Griffiths
- CS 188: Intro to Artificial Intelligence (4) TBA
- Ling 100: Intro to Linguistic Science (4) Mikkelsen, Lin
- Philos 135: Theory of Meaning (4) TBA
- Note for Fall 2016: the following courses may be used to satisfy the Philosophy Distribution Group requirement, but will not count toward the 30 upper division units required for Cognitive Science: PHILOS 3, 12A, 25A
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
- Econ 119: Psychology and Economics (4) Hawkins
- Educ 140AC: Literacy: Individual and Societal Development (3) Hull
- Psych 160: Social Psychology (3) Chen
- Sociol 150: Social Psychology (4) Powers
If you've completed a distribution group, any other separate (non-cross listed) course from that group may be used as an elective.
Cognitive Neuroscience:
- MCB 160: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (4) Isacoff, Bateup, Ngai
- MCB 166: Biophysical Neurobiology (3) Miller, Elul
Cognitive Psychology:
- Music 109/M: Music Cognition - The Mind Behind the Musical Ear (3) Bamberger - THIS COURSE IS A GO!
- Psych 121: Animal Cognition (3) Jacobs
Computational Modeling:
- CogSci 190:Special Topics in Cognitive Science
- CS 160: User Interface Design and Development (4) Hartmann
- CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (4) Christos, Papadimitriou; Trevisan
- CS 186: Intro to Database Systems (4) TBA
- *CS C281A: Statistical Learning Theory (3) TBA
- *CS 287: Advanced Robotics (3) Abbeel
- *CS 289A: Intro to Machine Learning (4) Efros, Guyon
- Ling 106: Metaphor (4) Sweetser
- Ling 110: Intro to Phonetics and Phonology (4) Johnson
- Ling 121: Logical Semantics (4) Mikkelsen This class may be cancelled for Fall, to be offered in the Spring instead. Please confirm on schedule of classes.
- Ling 130: Comparative and Historical Linguistics (4) Garrett
- Ling 170: History, Structure, and Sociolinguistics of Particular Language (3) Rhodes
- Philos 138: Philosophy of Society (4) Searle
- Philos 140B: Intermediate Logic (4) TBA
- Philos 176: Hume (4) Martin
- Philos 178: Kant (4) Warren
Society, Culture, and Cognition:
- Ling 130: Comparative and Historical Linguistics (4) Garrett
- Ling 170: History, Structure, and Sociolinguistics of a Particular Language (3) Rhodes
- MediaStd 102: Effects of Mass Media (4) Timke
- MCB 160: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (4) Isacoff, Bateup, Ngai
- MCB 166: Biophysical Neurobiology (3) Miller, Elul
- Rhetoric 103A: Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory (4) TBA
- *Vision Science 265: Neural Composition (3) Olshausen
*Note: This is a graduate-level class. Consult with the sponsoring department.
Jacobs Institute: If you are interested in taking a Jacobs Institute course as an elective, please see your major advisor. Please click here to visit the Jacobs Institute's course page to learn more about the institute and their offerings.