Degree Requirements

CogSci Degree Requirements

Any student who completes the prerequisites to declare in effect for the term they were admitted to Berkeley and who has a workable completion plan will be allowed to declare the Cognitive Science major.

There is no petition process for students who have not met the requirements. 

Students admitted to Berkeley before Fall 2018 should click this link (link is external)to view their declaration requirements. 

The requirements for completion of the Cognitive Science major are divided into four categories: 

  1. Prerequisites must be completed with a "C-" or better before a student can declare. Please note that students must complete each prerequisite category in a maximum of two attempts per prerequisite category (Calculus, Data Science, and Computer Programming).
  2. Lower division requirements that should be taken as early as possible but which can be taken after declaration
  3. Six upper division distribution requirements. One course must be taken from each category. These six courses must be taken on campus, and must be selected from the listed options. 
  4. At least 3 upper division electives chosen from our on the comprehensive CogSci course list (link is external)or approved via the CogSci elective petition form(link is external)

*Planning is power! Use this spreadsheet(link is external) to plan your degree and track your requirements. Revise each semester! 

* All courses that fulfill requirements for the CogSci major must be taken for a letter grade. 

1. Prerequisites needed in order to declare. 

Prerequisite CategoryCourse Options
Statistical ThinkingComputer Science/Statistics/Data Science C8 (known as Data 8) OR Stat 20 OR Stat 2 or 3 or higher on AP Stats Exam
CalculusMath 1A, 10A OR Math 16A OR 3 or higher in AP Calculus AB or BC
Computer ProgrammingComputer Science 61A OR Engineering 7 OR Data C88C ( formerly known as Computer Science 88)

2. Lower Division Requirements to be taken as early as possible

Lower Division Requirement CategoryCourse Options (these courses may be taken after declaring)
Disciplinary OverviewCognitive Science 1 OR Cognitive Science 1B OR Cognitive Science N1
Discrete MathMath 55 OR Computer Science 70
NeuroscienceMolecular Cell Biology/Psychology C61 OR Molecular Cell Biology C64 OR Molecular Cell Biology W61, OR Psych 110 Introduction to Biological Psychology

3. One course from each of the six distribution groups

Distribution Group CategoryCourse Options
Cognitive NeuroscienceAnthropology 107; CogSci/Psychology C126 CogSci/Psychology C127; Psychology 117; Psychology 133; Psych 114; CogSci 170; CogSci 171; CogSci 172; CogSci 132
Cognitive PsychologyCogSci C100/Psychology C120; CogSci C102/Psychology C129; CogSci 115, CogSci/Psychology C126; CogSci 146; Psychology 122; Psychology C143/Ling C146; CogSci 181; CogSci 182; Psychology 147; Psychology 125; Psychology 140
Computational ModelingCogSci 131; CogSci C131; Computer Science 188; CogSci 132
LinguisticsLinguistics 100; CogSci C101/Linguistics C105; Linguistics 108, CogSci/Linguistics C142; CogSci/Linguistics C147, CogSci 144
PhilosophyPhilosophy 3; 12A; 25A; 25B; 122; 132; 133; 135; 136; Classics/AGRS 36; CogSci 180, CogSci 181
Society, Culture, and CognitionAfrican American Studies 115; Anthropology 166; Anthropology 149; Information 103/CogSci C103/History C192/MediaSt C104; CogSci/Linguistics C104; Economics 119; Education 130; Education 132; Education 140AC/Education W140A; Linguistics 109; Linguistics 150; Linguistics 150A; Psychology 107; Psychology 160; Psychology 163; Psychology 164; Psychology 166AC; Sociology 150; CogSci 181

4. At Least Three Elective Courses

If a student takes more than one course from any distribution group, the additional courses can count as upper div electives (with the exception of lower division Philosophy options).

Use this spreadsheet(link is external) to search a list of all approved CogSci courses, both elective and distribution. It is sortable by L&S Breadth category and by the types of CogSci requirements the course is eligible to fulfill. Some courses can fulfill a distribution group or an elective, and others can only fulfill electives. 

If you discover an interesting upper division course with an explicit connection to the study of the mind, either on campus or at another institution, you may submit a petition (link is external)to determine whether it can count as a CogSci elective. 

Requirements to complete the degree in Cognitive Science

All students must: 

  1. Complete all required courses with a letter grade
  2. Complete at least 26 upper division units in the major
  3. Complete at least one course from each of the six distribution groups
  4. Complete at least three electives found on the comprehensive CogSci course list (link is external)or approved via the CogSci elective petition form(link is external)
  5. Achieve at minimum a 2.0 GPA in your upper division coursework in the major.  
  6. Receive a passing grade(link is external) in each course.