CogSci Affiliated Faculty

Cognitive Science Affiliated Faculty

 Mariam Aly

Mariam Aly is an Acting Associate Professor with a focus in the field of cognition. Her central goal is to uncover how the brain's "memory systems" contribute to attention, perception, and prediction. She also currently runs the Aly Lab at UC Berkeley which studies the mechanisms by which attention and perception influence memory for the world around us, and how, once we have formed those memories, we can use them to guide our attention, perception, and goal-directed behavior in the future. 

 Dor Abrahamson

Dor Abrahamson is an Associate Professor of Secondary Mathematics Education in the Area of Cognition and Development. He researches mathematical cognition, design-based research, mixed-media design for mathematics learning environments, embodied interaction

 David Bamman

David Bamman is an associate professor in the School of Information at UC Berkeley, where he works in the areas of natural language processing and cultural analytics, applying NLP and machine learning to empirical questions in the humanities and social sciences. His research focuses on improving the performance of NLP for underserved domains like literature (including LitBank and BookNLP) and exploring the affordances of empirical methods for the study of literature and culture. Before Berkeley, he received his PhD in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University and was a senior researcher at the Perseus Project of Tufts University. Bamman's work is supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, National Science Foundation, an Amazon Research Award, and an NSF CAREER award.

Gašper Beguš Gašper Beguš

Gašper Beguš is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Linguistics at UC Berkeley.  Before coming to Berkeley, he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Washington and before that, he graduated with a Ph.D. from Harvard. He combines machine learning and statistical modeling with neuroimaging and behavioral experiments to better understand how neural networks learn internal representations in speech and how humans learn to speak. He has worked and published on sound systems of various language families such as Indo-European, Caucasian, and Austronesian languages.

In a recent set of papers (here and here), he proposes that language acquisition can be modeled with Generative Adversarial Networks and proposes a technique for exploring the relationship between learned representations and latent space in deep convolutional networks.

Dr. Beguš directs the Berkeley Speech and Computation Lab. Dr. Beguš also serves as the College Principal of the oldest residential college in the country, the Bowles Hall Residential College

 Sonia Bishop

Sonia Bishop is an Associate Professor in the Psychology Department and Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute. She is active in the new field of Computational Psychiatry and uses a combination of computational modeling, behavioral experiments and fMRI to examine how threat and reward influence decision-making, pavlovian learning, visual perception and attention in health and disease and to study the associated neural mechanisms. She leads the Affective Cognitive Neuroscience lab.

 Martin S. Banks

Martin S. Banks is a Professor of Optometry and Vision Science and an Affiliate Professor of Psychology and Bioengineering. In his campus lab, he focuses his research on visual space perception and sensory combination.

 Silvia Bunge

Dr. Silvia Bunge is a Professor in the Psychology Department and at the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute at UC Berkeley. Professor Bunge directs the Building Blocks of Cognition Laboratory, which draws from the fields of cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology, and education research. Professor Bunge is on the advisory board of four academic societies that organize conferences related to learning and development: the Latin American School on Education, Cognitive, and Neural Sciences, the International Society for Mind, Brain, and Education, Flux: The International Congress for Integrative Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, and National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, and has helped create materials that distill the research on brain development for a broad audience of policymakers and practitioners. Professor Bunge has also spoken at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, developed a webinar for the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington, D.C., and participated in a workshop on Neuroscience and Learning for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

 Roy L. Caldwell

Roy L. Caldwell is a Professor of Integrative Biology. He researches, evolution, animal behavior, behavioral ecology, communication, sensory ecology, aggressive behavior. He explores these any many other topics in his UC Berkeley lab.

 John Campbell

John Campbell is a Professor of Philosophy. His interests include the theory of meaning, metaphysics, and philosophy of psychology. His publications include; Past, Space, and Self and Reference and Consciousness.

 Jose M. Carmena

Jose M. Carmena is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Neuroscience. He researches brain-machine interfaces, neural ensemble computation, neuroprosthetics, sensorimotor learning and control. He sits on the board of the Center for Neural Engineering & Prostheses, and conducts research in his campus lab.

  Davina Chan

Davina Chan is a lecturer in cognitive science. Her research has focused primarily on mindfulness and meditation practice. She is also a licensed clinical psychologist, practicing in San Francisco, and served as a supervisory liaison to hospitals in the San Francisco Bay Area for over ten years.

  Susana Chung

Susana Chung is a Professor of Optometry and Vision Science at the School of Optometry. Susana's work aims to understand how vision is processed in the visual systems, especially in the presence of eye disorders such as amblyopia or eye diseases such as macular degeneration. She uses a variety of techniques including psychophysics, computational modeling, retinal imaging, eye tracking in her research 

 Anne Collins

Anne Collins is an Assistant Professor of Psychology. She researches human learning, decision-making and executive functions; computational modeling at multiple levels (cognitive and neuroscience); behavioral, EEG, drug and genes studies in healthy or patient populations. Anne is the primary investigator for the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab.

 Emily Cooper

Emily Cooper is an Assistant Professor of Optometry and Vision Science. She is also a member of the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute. Her research focuses on understanding the mechanisms and phenomenology of human visual perception, with an emphasis on 3D vision and binocular combination. You can read more at her lab website:

 Clayton Critcher

Clayton Critcher is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Haas School of Business. His interests include the Self (e.g., self-insight, self-regulation, self-affirmation); social and moral judgment; judgment and decision making; cognition and emotion.

 Terrence Deacon

Terrence Deacon is a Professor of Anthropology. He researches human evolutionary biology and neuroscience, with the aim of investigating the evolution of human cognition. He is the author of The Symbolic Species and and Incomplete Nature.

 Mark D'Esposito

Mark D'Esposito is a Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology. He researches working memory and frontal lobe function, functional MRI, cognitive neuroscience He is the primary investigator for The D'esposito Lab.

 Michael DeWeese

Michael DeWeese is an Associate Professor of Physics. He researches machine learning, computation, systems neuroscience, auditory cortex, neural coding and has a campus lab.

 Anca Dragan

Anca Dragan is an Assistant Professor in the EECS Department at UC Berkeley. She runs the InterACT Lab, which focuses on algorithms for human-robot interaction. They work across different applications, from assistive robots, to manufacturing, to autonomous cars, and draw from optimal control, planning, estimation, learning, and cognitive science. Dragan also helped found and serves on the steering committee for the Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) Lab, and is a co-PI of the Center for Human-Compatible AI. She has been honored by the Sloan Fellowship, MIT TR35, the Okawa award, an NSF CAREER award, and the PECASE award.

 Susanne Gahl

Susanne Gahl is an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics and the Cognitive Science program. She is a psycholinguist with interests in language production, language variation, aphasia (and other communication disorders), and bilingualism.

 Jack Glaser

Jack Glaser is a Professor and Associate Dean of Public Policy. He specializes in political psychology, stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination, hate crime, unconscious social cognition, racial profiling, and policing. Dr. Glaser works with the Center for Policing Equity as one of the principal investigators on a National Science Foundation- and Google-funded project to build a National Justice Database of police stops and use of force incidents.

  Alison Gopnik

Alison Gopnik is a Professor of Psychology. Her work focuses on cognitive development, causal learning, psychology and philosophy. Her campus lab explores how young children come to learn about the world around them. Her most recent book is The Philosophical Baby.

 Robert J. Glushko

Robert J. Glushko is an Adjunct Professor of Cognitive Science. His interests include information-intensive systems and services, semantic standards, information policy, business innovation and entrepreneurship. He is the editor of The Discipline of Organizing. Before joining the Berkeley faculty in 2002, he founded and co-founded four companies, including Veo Systems in 1997, which pioneered the use of XML for electronic business.

 William F. Hanks

William F. Hanks is a Professor of Anthropology, a Berkeley DIstinguished Chair in Linguistic Anthropology and Director of the Social Science Matrix. He is interested in Maya culture, language in culture, discourse, cognition and communication, shamanism, the logic of anthropological inquiry, anthropology of literature. He has written extensively on indexicality, translation and ethnography, as well as colonial history mentioned in his book, Converting Words: Maya in the Age of the Cross

 Marti Hearst

Dr. Marti Hearst is a professor in the School of Information and the EECS Department at UC Berkeley. Her primary research interests are user interfaces for search engines, information visualization, natural language processing, and improving MOOCs. She wrote the first book on Search User Interfaces

 Ming Hsu

Ming Hsu is Associate Professor at the Haas School of Business and Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, UC Berkeley.  Dr. Hsu’s lab takes an interdisciplinary approach to study the biological basis of economic and consumer decision-making at a number of different levels of analyses, including: (i) brain regions mediating computations involved in different aspects of decision-making, (ii) the underlying molecular, cellular, and genetic mechanisms, and (iii) how real-world outcomes are associated with variations in these processes.  

 Rich Ivry

Rich Ivry is a Professor of psychology and neuroscience. His research program examines many aspects of human performance, with a special interest in sensorimotor control and learning. His lab, the Cognition and Action lab, employs many of the methodologies of cognitive neuroscience including behavioral studies in people with movement disorders, functional neuroimaging, human electrophysiology, and non-invasive brain stimulation.

 Lucia Jacobs

Lucia Jacobs is a Professor of Psychology. Her interests include cognitive and brain evolution, adaptive patterns in spatial memory, spatial navigation, cognitive sex differences and decision making. Her lab focuses on cognitive biology, studying diverse species, including humans, to identify universal cognitive processes.

 William Jagust

William Jagust is a professor in the School of Public Health and the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute. His laboratory uses multimodal imaging techniques, including structural and functional MRI and PET scanning, to study brain aging and dementia in humans. 

 Keith Johnson 

Keith Johnson is a linguist and a phonetician at UC Berkeley and the director of the Phonetics and Phonology lab (the Phonlab). Johnson received his M.A. in Linguistics and Ph.D. in Linguistics from Ohio State University. He currently teaches courses in introductory linguistics (for freshmen), phonetics, and psycholinguistics at UC Berkeley. Johnson's research is centered around the nature of phonetic knowledge and linguistic phonetics, which is concerned with how phonetic factors influence the sound patterns of language. He is also currently working on research in phonetic neuroscience, involving imaging the brain during speech production and perception, with a team at UCSF. 

  Daniela Kaufer

Prof. DanielaKauferis the Class of 1943 Memorial Chair Professor ofIntegrative Biology and Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, and the Associate Dean of Biological Sciences at UC Berkeley. Prof. Kaufer received her PhD in molecular neuroscience from The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the departments of Biological Sciences and Neurosurgery at Stanford University. Kaufer’slab is studying how does the brain deal with perturbations like stress and brain injury and what are the mechanisms underlyingtrajectories ofresilience and vulnerability throughout life, and into aging.  The research had been published in top journals including Nature, Nature Medicine, Science Translational Medicine, Nature Neuroscience, Annals of Neurology, eLife and Molecular Psychiatry.  ProfessorKauferis the recipient of the  National Institute of Mental Health Director's New Innovator Award (BRAINS), NARSAD Young and independent Investigator Awards, BAKAR Entrepreneurship Fellowship, And the Archer award for innovation in aging research.

 Dacher Keltner

Dacher Keltner is a professor of Psychology at UC Berkeley and faculty director of the Greater Good Science Center ( Dacher’s research focuses on the functions of emotional experience and expression, in particular states such as compassion, awe, love, and embarrassment, as well as power, social class, and inequality. Dacher is the co-author of two textbooks, Born to Be Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life, The Compassionate Instinct, and The Power Paradox: How We Gain and Lose Influence. Dacher has won many research, teaching, and service awards, and consulted for Pinterest, the Sierra Club, for Pixar’s Inside Out, and for the Center for Constitutional Rights in its work to outlaw solitary confinement.

 Dan Klein

Dan Klein is an Associate Professor of Computer Science. He researches statistical natural language processing, including unsupervised learning methods, syntactic parsing, information extraction, and machine translation, and he leads the Berkeley Natural Language Processing Group.

 Celeste Kidd

Celeste Kidd is an Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department. She received her Bachelors in linguistics and journalism from USC and her PhD in Brain and Cognitive Sciences from the University of Rochester. The Kidd Lab studies the processes involved in knowledge acquisition, especially in young children, using a combination of computational and behavioral methods. The team draws inspiration from classic learning theories in education and psychology, like those by Jean Piaget, Maria Montessori, and Lev Vygotsky. They build computational models inspired by these classic theories that allow them to make specific predictions and generate testable competing hypotheses about learning dynamics (for example, the relationship between the learning context and learning outcomes). They also design behavioral experiments to empirically differentiate between competing learning theories. The experiments measure how learners attend and explore throughout the process of learning. Different experiments measure how humans look, explore, and play, starting in infancy and continuing throughout childhood. The use eye-trackers to measure visual fixations to screens during passive viewing, and touchscreens to study touch-based exploration in kid-friendly apps, in addition to studying more traditional play behaviors. Our results are quantitative theories about how data interacts with learners’ growing knowledge. These formal theories can function as the “back-end” for learning technologies, in addition to informing parenting, educational, and clinical practices.

 Andrew W. Kim

Andrew Kim is the Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology. He is a biological anthropologist and human biologist and holds a Ph.D. in anthropology from Northwestern University. Dr. Kim’s current research traces the biological mechanisms (e.g. genetics & epigenetics, HPA axis function, inflammation, vascular function) underlying the intergenerational effects of psychosocial stress and political violence from apartheid, as well as processes of reversibility and healing, in Soweto and Johannesburg, South Africa. His other research projects integrate biological, epidemiological, and anthropological approaches to understand how social oppression becomes embodied and produces health inequities in historically marginalized communities. This research is based in the Kim Lab, a wet lab focused on biomarker sample analysis, and a separate computing facility located at the Department of Anthropology at UC Berkeley. 

 Robert Knight

Robert Knight is a Professor of Psychology. He researches attention and memory; neuropsychology and physiology; cognitive neuroscience. He runs a campus lab.

 Lance Kriegsfeld

Lance Kriegsfeld is a Professor in the Psychology Department. He received his Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins University. The broad goal of the research in his campus laboratory is to understand the genetic, cellular, and hormonal mechanisms responsible for the temporal control of motivated behaviors and their underlying physiology.

 Michel Laguerre

Michel S. Laguerre is a Professor of global and information technology studies in the African American Studies Department. His interests include digital surveillance, human contexts of big data, North American, European and Caribbean cities, global metropolitan studies, transnational diaspora politics, and contemporary social theories.

 Marika Landau-Wells

Marika Landau-Wells is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley. She holds a PhD in Political Science from MIT where she was a member of the Security Studies Program. Prior to joining UC Berkeley, she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the SaxeLab: a social cognitive neuroscience lab at MIT.  Her research is broadly concerned with the effects of cognitive processes - including perception, attention, concept formation, and memory - on political preferences and behavior. Her primary research project investigates the ways in which the psychological and neural underpinnings of threat perception influence policy preferences, with a particular focus on national security decision-making.  Marika Landau-Wells' work has been published or is forthcoming in International Security, International Organization, PNAS Nexus, Cerebral Cortex, and Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 

 Geoffrey Lee

Geoffrey Lee is associate professor in the philosophy department at UC Berkeley. His work focuses on issues in philosophy of mind, including questions about consciousness, perception and the self, and he also has published work on foundational questions in cognitive science, particularly on the nature of representation and computation in perceptual processing. He is currently working on a book about the philosophy and science of consciousness.

 Paul Li

Paul Li is a Continuing Lecturer in Cognitive Science. He is the co-author of The Cognitive Sciences: an Interdisciplinary Approach. He has written for Scientific American Mind, Psychology Today, and was recently an episode consultant for National Geographic Channel's Brain Games.

 Jitendra Malik

Jitendra Malik is an Arthur J. Chick endowed Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He specializes in Computer Vision, Computational Modeling of Human Vision, Computational Biology, and Computer Graphics.

 Sam Mchombo

Sam Mchombo is an Associate Professor of African American Studies. He researches the syntax and semantics of reciprocal constructions in Bantu languages as part of his investigation of the logical structure of Bantu languages, and of the relation between morpho-syntax and semantics. He is the author of The Syntax of Chichewa.

 Don Moore

Don Moore is the Lorraine Tyson Mitchell Chair in Leadership and Communication at Berkeley Haas. He received his PhD in Organization Behavior from Northwestern University. His research interests include overconfidence—including when people think they are better than they actually are, when people think they are better than others, and when they are too sure they know the truth. He is only occasionally overconfident.

 Alva Noe

Alva Noe is a Professor of Philosophy. He researches perception and consciousness, as well as the theory of art (with special attention to dance as well as visual art). He is the author of Strange Tools: Art and Human Nature. Photo credit: Serena Campanini/AGF/Writer Pictures

 Bruno Olshausen

Bruno Olshausen is a Professor of Vision Science, Neuroscience, and Optometry. He researches computational models of sensory coding and visual perception and directs the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience.

 Zachary Pardos

Dr. Zachary A. Pardos is an Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Education and School of Information. His research focuses on computational approaches to knowledge representation and personalization in data-rich K-16 learning environments. His work has contributed to the areas of AI in education, learning analytics, and computational cognitive science applied to educational contexts. 

 Steven T. Piantadosi

Steve Piantadosi is the Principal Investigator for the Computation and Language Lab. He is interested in understanding the computational mechanisms supporting human language learning and use.

 David E. Presti

David E. Presti is a Teaching Professor of Neurobiology. His areas of interest and expertise include human neurobiology and neurochemistry, the effects of drugs on the brain and the mind, the clinical treatment of addiction, the evolving conversation between cognitive science and Buddhist philosophy, and the scientific study of mind and consciousness. His classes include: Brain, Mind, and Behavior: An Introduction to Neuroscience; Drugs and the Brain; Matter, Mind, Consciousness; and Consciousness: Buddhist and Neuroscientific Perspectives. He is author of Foundational Concepts in Neuroscience: A Brain-Mind Odyssey (W.W. Norton, 2016) and Mind Beyond Brain (Columbia University Press, 2018).

     Jose A. Ramirez-Latorre

Recipient of a European Community Fellowship and grants from the Limback Foundation, Howard Hughes Institute and NIH, Jose received his Ph.D. from UC
Berkeley in Biophysics and a B.S. in Physics at Universidad de Los Andes in Bogota, Colombia. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University, faculty member at Temple University and City University of New York, and adjunct faculty at Columbia University. As a full professor at Universidad del Rosario School of Medicine in Bogota, Colombia he was the founding director of the Neuroscience Laboratory. Research interests include: Stimulation of Sensory input in treatment of Parkinson's disease. Use of computational models of the basal ganglia in movement control and the development of the dopaminergic system. Email: 

 Michael Ranney

Michael Ranney is a Professor of Education. He researches the nature of explanation and understanding, in both formal and informal domains. His work is intended to foster the incorporation of challenging information (e.g., on global climate change; see

 Terry Regier

Terry Regier is a Professor of Linguistics and Cognitive Science. His research investigates the relation of language and cognition, through computational methods, behavioral experiments, and cross-language semantic data. He directs the Language and Cognition Lab.

 Richard Rhodes

Richard Rhodes is an Associate Professor of Linguistics, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, and Interim Director of Canadian Studies. He studies American Indian languages, lexical semantics, lexicography, Algonquian languages, Ojibwe, Mixe-Zoquean languages, mixed languages, Michif (Métchif), Sayula Popoluca (Sayuleño).

 Stuart Russell

Stuart Russell is a Professor of Computer Science. His work explores a wide range of topics in artificial intelligence including machine learning, probabilistic reasoning, knowledge representation, planning, real-time decision making, multitarget tracking, computer vision, computational physiology, global seismic monitoring, and philosophical foundations.

 Geoffrey Saxe

Geoffrey Saxe is a Professor of Education. His work focuses on U.S., developmental psychology, interplay between culture and cognitive development, mathematical cognition in children, elementary school classrooms, cognitive development, mathematics education.

 Alan Schoenfeld

Alan Schoenfeld is an Elizabeth and Edward Conner Professor of Education and Affiliated Professor of Mathematics. He researches thinking, teaching, learning, productive learning environments, mathematics education, modeling the process of teaching, understanding how and why teachers do what they do.

 Amitai Shenav 

Amitai Shenhav is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at UC Berkeley. Prior to becoming a faculty member, he earned a B.A. in Cognitive Science from UC Berkeley in 2005, a Ph.D. in Psychology from Harvard University in 2012, and completed a C.V. Starr Postdoctoral Fellowship at Princeton University. He studies the mechanisms that give rise to motivation and decision-making, including what makes tasks demanding and how people choose whether and how to invest effort in those tasks. The Shenhav Lab addresses these questions using a combination of computational modeling and measures of behavior and neural activity (e.g., using functional magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography). Through the course of this work, he seeks to provide a better understanding of what drives human behavior, when and why people struggle with getting/staying motivated, and how to help them overcome these motivational barriers.

 Mahesh Srinivasan

Mahesh Srinivasan is an Assistant Professor of Psychology. He studies how representations of language and concepts arise and interact in human development and across cultures. Specific interests include flexible and pragmatic uses of language (e.g., polysemy, metaphor, implicature), the representation of abstract concepts (e.g., time, number), linguistic relativity, and social cognitive development in different cultural contexts. He directs the Language and Cognitive Development Lab.

 Eve Sweetser

Eve Sweetser is a Professor of Linguistics and Celtic Studies. Her research focuses on subjectivity, syntax, semantics, cognitive linguistics, historical linguistics, Celtic languages, speech act theory, semantic change, grammaticalization, gesture, metaphor, iconicity, viewpoint, construction grammar, semantics of grammatical constructions. She is the Director of the Celtic Studies Program.

 Frédéric Theunissen

Frédéric Theunissen was born in Belgium and raised in Belgium, Spain, and the United States. He fell in love with mathematics, physics, biology and philosophy in french high school and is also a UC product. He got his B.S. in physics and Ph.D. in biophysics from UC Berkeley and did his post-doctoral work at UC San Francisco. Theunissen am fascinated by the brain, sounds and perception. He enjoy teaching computational methods for the next generation of social and biological scientists. The Theunissen Lab aims to understand how complex natural sounds such as human speech, music and animal vocalizations are detected and recognized by the brain.

 William Thompson

Professor Thompson is a cognitive scientist interested in understanding what makes human intelligence so open-ended and creative. With his students and collaborators he studies the social foundations of higher cognitive abilities such as language, problem-solving, reasoning, decision-making, and creative thinking. The goal of the research conducted at his Experimental Cognition Laboratory is to develop more complete models of the computational processes that arise in social networks as a consequence of human interaction and the transmission of knowledge from person to person. They combine behavioral experiments, computational modeling, and machine learning to study how these processes influence ways of thinking and communicating in the lab and in society.

Doris Tsao Doris Tsao 

Doris Tsao is a professor in the neurobiology division of the Department of Molecular & Cell Biology, and the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute.  She studies visual perception in primates in order to understand how the brain creates our sense of reality.  She is widely recognized for her work on the neural system for face processing within the temporal lobe, clarifying its anatomical organization and coding principles. Most recently, her lab discovered that this system is part of a larger map of object space.

 Kevin Weiner

The over-arching goal of Kevin Weiner's lab research works toward building mechanistic models explaining how brain structure and function contribute to measurable behaviors. They implement a multi-modal approach of anatomical measurements in living and post-mortem individuals across spatial scales to compare to functional measurements in humans (typically high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging). Presently, they have focused on high-level visual cortex (specifically the fusiform gyrus) and face perception as a model structure and a model behavior. Moving forward, they aim to implement the approach to additional brain structures, behaviors, and methodologies (for example, they recently incorporated transcriptomics). His lab has also begun to lay a foundation for translational applications of our neurimaging techniques in patient populations. Additionally, they are interested in data sharing, open science, science communication, comparative neuroanatomy across species, and the history of neuroscience

 David Whitney

David Whitney is a Professor of Psychology whose work focuses on visual perception and attention, visually guided action, and cognitive neuroscience. He directs the Whitney lab.

 Linda Wilbrecht

The Wilbrecht lab at UC Berkeley investigates how experience during the juvenile and adolescent period can shape later learning and decision making. We are particularly interested in experience of adversity, early pubertal timing and development of dopaminergic and cortico-striatal circuits. These studies also help us to investigate the neurobiological underpinnings of addiction and autism. We use a wide array of systems neurobiology methods including functional and structural imaging, electrophysiology, and chemo- and optogenetics. 

I did my PhD research in the laboratory of Fernando Nottebohm at the Rockefeller University and postdoctoral training at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory with Karel Svoboda and at UCSF with Michael Merzenich. From 2008-2013, I was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology at UCSF and an Investigator at the Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center. In 2013, I moved my lab to the Psychology Department at the University of California, Berkeley and became a member of the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute. I am a recipient of the 2009 NIMH Biobehavioral Research Award for Innovative New Scientists (BRAINS award) and a Presidential Early Career Award for Science and Engineering (PECASE). I am a board member of the The Center for the Developing Adolescent and Associate editor of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

 Fei Xu

Fei Xu is a Professor of Psychology. Her work focuses on cognitive development, language development, social cognition in infants and children, learning in infants and young children, statistical learning and statistical inference, psychology and philosophy, computational models of cognitive development. She directs the Berkeley Early Learning Lab.